Tuesday, December 19, 2006

3 John

Insight Into the Scriptures
3 John is a short, personal letter written by John to Gaius. Gaius was a prominent Christian in one of the home churches that John visited.

Missionaries and church leaders like John, traveled from city to city preaching, and helped establish churches. They depended on people opening their homes and providing for their needs. Gaius must have made an impression on John.

View December's Reading Schedule

Today we finish with the 3rd letter from John. I got a chuckle as I finished 3 John. In his last two letters John states that "He has much to say, but he does not want to use pen and ink." I wonder if he had alot going on in his life and he did not want to spend the time to write a long letter?

Good job on the Bible triva question. Kim and I just love trivia, it is also a wonderful way to get to know the scriptures.

3 John 1:5-8 niv
"Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers, even though they are strangers to you. They have told the church about your love. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans. We ought therefore to show hospitality to such men so that we may work together for the truth."

Thought for the Day
We just had a "100 year storm" come through Washington. The winds knocked out the power for over 1 million homes. Our city, North Bend, was one of the worse hit. We lost power on 12/14/06 and it will not be restored until after Christmas sometime.

Something very neat happened because of the storm, it brought the best out in people. The entire community helped each other. People opened up their homes, shared food and supplies, drove around to neighbor's houses to make sure they were OK. In fact, our neighbor, who tries to avoid us, saw us sitting in our car trying to get warm and listen to the radio, she asked us if we needed any candles for the night. Why does it take a natural disaster to bring out the best in us???

I believe that we need to practice authentic community more. It seems like we have become such a closed, personal, "Don't invade my space" culture. In fact, I was watching a TV show called "Cars of the future". They had a new car that did just that, it was constructed like a little amoured car, it was made to shut the evil world out. Our homes need to be open for all our brothers and sisters who are in need, and it does not matter if everything is perfect. What matters is that our hearts and homes are open.

Now, maybe you are not the type of person to open up your home to other people. There are still people in need everyday. I bet we pass a handful of brothers and sisters that could really use our help, but we are too busy, that we usually miss a Divine appointment. Think about how many "God Moments" and Divine Appointments you have missed because you did not have time? I know that I have missed plenty! I would encourage you the rest of this week to see the people that God is putting in your path. Make it a point to stop and help that person.

Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus, I know that I have missed many people that You have placed in my path. Please forgive me for letting those moments pass by.

Lord, my day becomes so busy with so many things that I need to get done. Please help me to keep my spiritual eyes and ears open, please give me peace and patience when I see another in need. Help me to focus on their needs and not mine.

I am asking you Jesus to put someone in my path today that needs Your help, help me see that person, and may You shine through me. Thank you Jesus for loving me, I want to know more and more of you each day. I love you.In Your amazing name,Amen

Bible Trivia
Who replaced Judas after he hung himself, and then became the 13th apostle?

1 comment:

  1. OK it is night time and no one has answered. Soooo the 13th Apostle was Matthias (Acts 1:12ff)
