Insight Into the Scriptures
In chapter 20 we start with the 1,000 year reign where satan is chained deep in the abyss, where after the 1,000 years he will be released, just to be defeated forever. This 1,000 year reign, no one except Christ knows, but what my human mind can understand is that it will be here on earth with Christ. My guess is that, Christ will take the form of after the resurrection and just before He left earth. How he was able to appear where ever He wanted. It will be a time where sin is subdued, righteous reigns. It will be a time of peace, harmony, health, worship, and thanksgiving. The earth will be at peace, no more devastating storms.
Chapter 21 describes the new universe God will create. Chapter 22 everyone should read.
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As we end Revelation, it is not a book of doom and death. It is a book of promise and unspeakable joy for every believer. If you read chapter 21 Christ says "I am making everything new!" Read the chapter and try and imagine what a new universe will be like; no more tears, no more death, no more mourning, crying or pain! And it is ours~
Revelation 22:7, 10-12 - NIV
"Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book."
"Then he told me, "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, because the time is near. Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy. "Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done."
Thought for the Day
Is your relationship with Christ what you want it to be?
As I said before it is the new year, it is a wonderful time to start new, to make new commitments, a fresh start to a new year. I am not going to spend alot of time "Preaching" to you. I pray that the Holy Spirit will do that.
After reading the news tonight, with the death of Suddam, who knows what events will spin off that? Jesus tells us the time is near, and He will reward everyone according to what he has done, are you satisfied with your relationship with Christ?
Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus, Thank you for your wonderful promises of a new universe. I can not wait to fall down at Your feet and worship You in person.
Lord, I want to draw closer to You, whatever that means. Please speak to me and guide me where You want to take me.
Jesus, I want to pray for the event that took place yesterday. I know that you are in control of everything and that good or evil all works out according to Your plan. It saddens me if Saddam was not a believer, to see satan use him, then get him in the end, I want to see satan lose. Please be with the people over there. I love you Jesus. Holy Spirit please fill me up with Your love and goodness today.
In Your Powerful Name,
Bible Trivia
Which two apostles raised people from the dead?
Peter (Acts 9:36-43) and Paul (Acts 20:9-10)