Jericho is about 5 miles from the Jordan.Flint Knives were made by striking the flint at a certain angle. This would produce a flake, which was very sharp.Jericho has been given the title of the oldest city in the world. The city walls were made of mudbrick on stone foundation. These walls were ten to twenty-five feet high and perhaps thirty feet wide.
Good Morning,
As you are reading scripture always remember everything points to Christ. The scriptures are very symbolic. Alot of the events in the Old Testament are almost miniature scenarios or tests for the actual event that takes place with Christ.
Here are some thoughts for you to ponder. Moses, Joshua, and Jesus all were "Baptized" through water.
Joshua passed through the Jordan (Same place where Jesus was baptized) After Joshua passed through the Jordan, the Lord exalted him in front of the Israelites (4:14) just as God exalted Jesus after He was baptized by John the Baptist.
Joshua passed through the river and was told to gather 12 stones to remember the event. Jesus was baptized and gathered 12 disciples so they could remember the events that had happened and that were going to happen.
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Scripture Reading
1 Now Jericho was shut up inside and outside because of the people of Israel. None went out, and none came in. 2 And the LORD said to Joshua, "See, I have given Jericho into your hand, with its king and mighty men of valor. 3 You shall march around the city, all the men of war going around the city once. Thus shall you do for six days. 4 Seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark. On the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times, and the priests shall blow the trumpets. 5 And when they make a long blast with the ram's horn, when you hear the sound of the trumpet, then all the people shall shout with a great shout, and the wall of the city will fall down flat, and the people shall go up, everyone straight before him." - Joshua 6:1-5
Thought for the Day
When you read the story of how Joshua conquered Jericho by marching around the city walls, blowing the shofars, shouting, then having the walls come down. You might think big deal, it is just another story in the Bible. But, have you really thought about the amount of faith and trust in the Lord that Joshua displayed?
Joshua was a born leader, God saw that in him. Leaders usually do not march around a "Problem'" they attack and conquer it.
Joshua was a military strategist. I am sure when the Commander of the Lord's army (5:15) told Joshua what to do, Joshua might have said. "Riiiiggghhht, you want me to walk around the walls, blow the shofars, and then yell?
"Joshua was a new leader and I am sure that the pressures of being a new leader and having something to prove, made him a little worried.
If you were to take this same situation and put it into today's world, it would be equal to the US military going over to Iraq, and planting pansies so as to conquer the enemy.
When you are faced with one of life's problems, remember that God's way will not always make sense, in fact it may seem absurd. But it is the right way. Our job is to have faith and trust that God will deliver. If the Lord allowed a problem to be present in your life, He will provide the way out too.
Some of life's problems are not solved overnight. Like the fall of Jericho your problem may take a week or more. We need to learn to be patient and wait upon the Lord.
Closing Prayer
Father thank You for the fresh air we have to breath each morning we wake, and may that fresh air remind us every morning of Your great love. I pray Father that those that are seeking will be found. And that those of us growing in You will grow stronger and more patient with Your plan for our journeys. I love knowing that You walk each step of everyday with me and I pray that I remember that and feel Your presence so that I may be a shining light for others. I love You!! Amen
Bible Trivia
What kind of tree supplied the wood for Aaron's rod that budded?
Hint: Numbers 17:8
Almond tree
Almond tree
Ok, where do I begin is the question. Do I give answer first of do I go off rambling first?
Answer first: It was that of an Almond tree.
Ok now I can ramble and you can read or not. I will have fun though.
When there are specifics given in the Bible it is not just there to be there. It could have said a staff but no it said ALMOND.
So the first thing I look up Biblical references to almond and pull a dictionary out and history and symbolism. The information found on symbolism is interesting.
Throughout history, almonds have maintained religious, ethnic and social significance. Book of Numbers tells the story of Aaron's rod that blossomed and bore almonds, giving the almond the symbolism of DIVINE APPROVAL. In many cultures they have significance of fertility, happiness and health.
In Numbers 17:2-10, Aaron's authority as high priest in Israel was established by the miraculous blossoming of his rod. Divine Approval.
Take a moment and look at the other miracles associated with Aarons Rod:
A staff carried by Aaron was known as Aaron's rod.
1) it was thrown down in the presence of Pharoah, it became a snake. (Exodus 7:9-12, 15.)
2) in the wilderness it budded as a sign of divine approval of Moses and Aaron. (Numbers 17:1-10.)
3) It was preserved in the ark. (Hebrews 9:4.)
Rods Representing:
1) Rods representing the tribes were placed in the tabernacle overnight, so that the Lord could indicate his chosen priesthood leader and "take away their murmurings" from those who followed the rebels (Num. 17:5, 10). The people were impressed but seem to have overreacted with fear (Num. 17:12, 13c).
Comparisons to Rods:
1) Jacob 5:50. In several other passages, Israel is compared to a rod (Psalm 74:2; Jeremiah 10:16; Jeremiah 51:19). In Isaiah 27:6, we read that Israel is to blossom and bud. There is an obvious reference to Aaron's budding rod here (Numbers 17:1-10).
2) The rod of Aaron is a symbol of Jesus-His chosen-ness, His priesthood authority, and His ability to give life (Ex. 4:2-4; 7:9; Num. 17:2-10; Ps. 23:4).
Well I am going to conclude with this:
Fresh almonds have a bitter-sweet taste, which represents life. Look at the story in:
Ex: 15:23-25 MARAH means bitter. Water is LIFE. But Bitter water can not be drank. Life
without salvation is bitter but with the wood of the CROSS put in life it becomes SWEET.
With this I close for the Day
Now on a personal note. We all had a great day yesterday. Gifts and food for all. Jerry and I started our 35th year together with a nice meal at our now favorite steak house, Texas Roadhouse. Having a place that he and I both like for steaks and ribs ( ribls which I am not crazy about ) is truly a treat for us. Then comes the birthday part of yesterday. My husband being a huge Alabama football fan forever received from me a special edition National Championship wrist watch. It has the 12 years of national wins in place of numbers on dial, beautiful stainless silver link band and silver face with large red A in center. He is also a huge Southern Gospel fan and God brought some people through e-bay together and I was able to get him a collection of remakes on cd's of old favorite ALBUMS if you remember what RECORDS were, ha ha . He got a Alabama leather and silver concho belt, that he is strutting proudly.
Last of all he got a lovely wallet with an embossed cross on the front. This came from a favorite store of mine now, Gods411. He got a Alabama leather and silver concho belt, that he is strutting proudly.
For the daughter birthday part of the day she had a great time with a meal at her favorite bar b que place "green top". Her hubby said he had her favorite cake Red Velvet. She to had many gifts and was shown Love.
For the anniversary part of the day as I said my honey and I had a quiet supper out and He gave me a beautiful gift set of Cashmere Perfume and lotion with a beautiful pearl white tote bag.
As you can tell yesterday gifts were showered on several but the best was the time no matter how short spent with each member of the family.
Well we will rest for another year from the hoopla of March 13. Next year we will be emphasising Jerry's b'day, It will be his big 60.
We loved Texas Roadhouse. We lived in Boise and they had one there, but when we moved to Seattle they do not have one. We love the rolls, in fact we would fill up on rolls, then did not have room for the good steak. YUM!
I like the comments on the almonds. It is just amazing to me how involved the Bible and God is. There is just a ton of symbolism. Who says the Bible is boring???
Wait till Thursday's trivia.... Heh heh heh
Ok so you trying to get spunky again now that the love of your life is back home, ha ha ha ....
Let me just tell you that If it one that I am going to want to ramble on and on we have a problem and you better pray that God multiples my time....
That 8 yr old grand daughter is in a community play that has 4 showing and some members of the family is going to be at every showing. So Thursday afternoon showing is my time....
To get envolved I will not be settled till late afternoon....By now you know that I love to have fun with the trivia....
I will tell you sometimes I go straight to trivia then come back to the devotional. When I do this usually there are things that I post in the trivia that are similar in the devotion. This happened that way with this devotion and trivia. I did do the trivia before I ever read the devotion.
A statement in devotion "for the actual event that takes place with Christ" and I closed mine pointing to the event in which Christ was born for. I posted about bitter waters to sweet and you have the waters of baptism. I spoke little on 12 tribes and you pointed to 12 disciples.
Thanks again Jim and Kim for being here and I thank God often for leading to your site.
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