Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Judges 15-17

Insight into Scripture
Before Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to us at The Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) the Believers in the Old Testament did have have access to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of the LORD would come and go, you will read where "The Spirit of the LORD" came upon them. An interesting note; watch out for how The Spirit of the LORD came upon that person. For example in verse 15:14 it says that The Spirit of the LORD "Rushed upon him."

Since we have been reading the Old Testament YAHWEH has been pulling on my heart to get to know HIM better. I believe that YAHWEH does not change. HIS character has not changed since the time of Adam. What has changed, is us.YAHWEH set up rituals and customs so that we would not forget HIM, but, as we have progressed as a people, we have forgotten about HIM and what is special to HIM. Now, I believe that Christ came down to earth and became the last sacrifice for our sins, so we are not going around and building altars and sacrificing animals, but some of YAHWEH's traditions should be remembered.
Now to our story. Kim and I went to pick up the keys to our new house. 

YAHWEH has been AMAZING through out this whole process. HE not only gave us our house, but the lot next to ours to build on. We should have not received this house. So, it was VERY important to me to dedicate the house to HIM. I wanted YAHWEH to be the first to enter our new home.

I was looking in the Old Testament and found different types of offerings in Leviticus. In chapter 7 it describes a thanksgiving offering. We were to take 1 piece of leaven bread and 1 piece of unleavened bread and offer it to YAHWEH. So last night Kim baked the bread for our offering. In the morning we stopped by Safeway and bought a bottle of wine for a drink offering as well. When we got to the house we went to the garage (It is separate) and prayed over it, poured some wine onto it and presented the 2 pieces of bread to YAHWEH. We then proceeded to the lot of land, prayed, poured some of the wine into the ground, and presented the bread offering. Then we went to the front door of the house, opened the door, prayed and asked YAHWEH to enter into our house, poured some wine, and presented the bread offering. We then went inside and talked for a minute. Now here is the NEAT part.

Kim went outside to the car...... and the bread was gone. She came and told me that it was gone, so I went outside and looked for myself...... it was gone, so I went and looked by the garage..... it was gone. So I went to the land and it was gone too...... all three offerings were totally gone, not a crumb, speck, nothing. Now, I might buy if an animal took one of the offerings, but all three, within minutes, at the same time? I have to tell you, Kim and I were speechless. To see YAHWEH accept our offerings and take them..... I am still speechless.

Closing Prayer
Our heavenly Father, sometimes my heart is so full with love, gratitude and awe that all I can do is thank You for being so....You. I pray that I can express from my heart the awe that I have in You and the love that I feel and the thankfulness that I share with You everyday.
I love You and I pray
in Your great Name,

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  1. Bible Trivia

    What "skill" did a young slave girl loose when Paul cast a demon from her?
    Hint: Acts 16:16-19

    It happened that as we were going to the R926 place of prayer, a slave-girl having a R927 spirit of DIVINATION / FORTUNE TELLING (Acts 16:17) met us, who was bringing her masters much profit by fortune-telling.

    divination / fortunetelling

    Info. on the


    Greek "A Python spirit," thus Luke identified this girl coming from the pagan temple at Delphi, where the Pythian Apollo was worshiped, the python being sacred, and his devotees being said to have the python spirit. Luke's identification of this girl with these pagans contains no suggestion whatever of any validity in their outlandish claims. IT IS, Paul's addressing the "spirit" in her, clearly indicates exactly the same kind cast out by Jesus.

    The words spoken: SERVANTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD is also spoken by the Gerasene demoniacs regarding Jesus (Mark 5:7), this speech of the girl thus proving the fact of her being possessed by a demon.

    In Acts 16:18 the statement:
    Paul being sore troubled ...
    Paul's problem was simple, but difficult. The girls masters who were exploiting her were making a lot of money from her. Her masters did not believe her fortune telling or they would have believed it when she identified Luke, Paul and others as servants of the Most High God showing the right way to salvation. Paul knew that if he cast the demon out, there would be a sharp conflict with the evil men who owned her. He delayed as long as he could, hoping perhaps that she would stop. When she continued, Paul cast the demon out. He, even as the Lord, could not afford an endorsement of one so clearly evil.

    When we read scriptures speaking of demonic possessions many are quilty of referring to the Person and it is not in the Person's ability to control once possessed. It is the SPIRITS POSSESSING that must be dealt with. In this passage:

    Mark 1:27
    Then they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What is this? What new doctrine is this? For with authority...................

    He commands even the unclean spirits, and AND THEY OBEY Him.”

    It is not the person that obeys but the demonic spirits.

    I want to refer to a couple of scripture passage found just before the story of the demoniac girl.
    Acts 16:
    6 They passed through the Phrygian and Galatian region, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia;
    7 and after they came to Mysia, they were trying to go into Bithynia, and the Spirit of Jesus did not permit them;
    8 and passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas.
    9 A vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing and appealing to him, and saying, "Come over to Macedonia and help us."
    10 When he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go into Macedonia

    It is the Lord who calls them into Macedonia. Realize the gospel is sent under Paul's ministry to the whole creation under heaven, yet there is specific direction as to where we and when we are to go.

    Again I wonder if I have posted to much or not enough, probably to much ha ha ha ....but must get lunch ready for a hungry bear....honey bear though :)


  2. More thoughts:

    Acts 16:16
    And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters MUCH gain by soothsaying:

    Acts 16:19
    And when her masters saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew them into the market place unto the rulers,

    Just think with me a moment, Do you think that Paul did not know what would happen when he cast the demons out?

    Even today the quickest way to get someone upset is to mess with their finances. This is just what was fixing to happen. Once the demons no longer possessed the girl, Paul and friends knew that the masters were going to be angry and they would suffer by their hands.

    The retaliation, that evidently Paul knew would take place, took place at once.

    Did this stop Paul and friends from Moving in God? NOPE.

    J. W. McGarvey, Commentary on Acts has a pun that comes from the Greek on this: "That when the evil spirit WENT OUT, the masters saw that the hope of their gain WENT OUT."

    Nothing could now detour their mission of spreading the gospel and follow the commands of Jesus.

    How many of us have that deep of desire to show the world the Gospel, that we knowingly would go or do things that would bring our very LIFE in DANGER? Furthermore, what if it did not bring danger but just ridicule or embarrassment? Would we still stand and serve our Master

    Another thought is the spirit that possesses us is by our FREE WILL. The spirit of the one that possessed the girl was not of her will, she had no control over how they controlled her.

    I don't think no place in the Bible can we find the person that is possessed of demons coming and asking for them to be cast out. We do see people bringing or asking on behalf of them for Jesus / Believers help. Let me say WOW! when we come to understand what POWER is in stating: "IN THE NAME OF JESUS" and FAITH BELIEVING.

    Do people see my FAITH in that NAME that they would bring the possessed to me. I hope so....



  3. I like the comment about.... if you want to upset someone, mess with their finances. It is true but sad. Even the littest penny....
