Thursday, March 29, 2007

Judges 20-21

Insight into Scripture

In today's story they refer to "Left handed slingers" (20:16) for battle. This may have been a special group of ambidextrous warriors.Today, we finish with Judges. The last verse of Judges states that "Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit." Thus explaining the violence and death through the book. There was a cry for hope for peace in the land.

Good Morning
This picture is the pass that was close to Gibeah, the town that the Isralites camped near. (20:19) Click in the picture to see more photos. The picture was taken from Bibleplaces.comSunday starts Christs' last week on earth. I pray that you prepare your hearts to journey with Christ on His last week.

Scripture Reading
18 The Israelites went up to Bethel and inquired of God. They said, "Who of us shall go first to fight against the Benjamites?"The LORD replied, "Judah shall go first."

19 The next morning the Israelites got up and pitched camp near Gibeah. 20 The men of Israel went out to fight the Benjamites and took up battle positions against them at Gibeah. 21 The Benjamites came out of Gibeah and cut down twenty-two thousand Israelites on the battlefield that day. 22 But the men of Israel encouraged one another and again took up their positions where they had stationed themselves the first day.

23 The Israelites went up and wept before the LORD until evening, and they inquired of the LORD. They said, "Shall we go up again to battle against the Benjamites, our brothers?"The LORD answered, "Go up against them."
24 Then the Israelites drew near to Benjamin the second day. 25 This time, when the Benjamites came out from Gibeah to oppose them, they cut down another eighteen thousand Israelites, all of them armed with swords.

26 Then the Israelites, all the people, went up to Bethel, and there they sat weeping before the LORD. They fasted that day until evening and presented burnt offerings and fellowship offerings [b] to the LORD. 27 And the Israelites inquired of the LORD. They asked, "Shall we go up again to battle with Benjamin our brother, or not?"The LORD responded, "Go, for tomorrow I will give them into your hands."

Think n Grow
As I finished this story I was confused. The men of Israel decided to go against the Benjamites, they asked YAHWEH who should go first; YAHWEH responded, then they proceeded and lost. They went through the process again, and lost again. Then on the third time YAHWEH said "Now I am going to hand them over to you." Why did YAHWEH allow them to lose badly 2 times, when HE gave them an answer to the questions they asked?

I went back and read the story a few more times, then two principles became evident. During the entire period of Judges, the Israelites had no king, they did as they wanted. (21:25) They were not living a Holy Life before YAHWEH. Something bad would happen, they would cry out to HIM, HE would save them, then they would go back to the same behavior.

The other principle I saw, they gathered before YAHWEH, but they never asked YAHWEH IF they should attack. The Israelites made up their minds of action, THEN asked YAHWEH. Totally backwards, they should of prayed, fasted, and waited for YAHWEH's decision, then asked how to complete the task. Maybe YAHWEH would of given them victory the first time.

Our Christian life is a 24/7 process. It is not a life where we do as we see fit, then when we have a problem, ask GOD and expect HIM to solve all our problems. What kind of a Christian life are you living? 24/3 or maybe 12/7?

Closing Prayer
Father thank you for the rays of sunshine and warmth. I pray Father that I will always seek You first, let You lead the way, not me. I pray Father that I am strong in trusting You and knowing that Your way is always the best.
I love You, and I pray in Your great Name,


  1. Bible Trivia
    What miracle did Peter perform in Joppa that spread Jesus' name in that city?

    Tabitha/Dorcas had died he spoke to the body and it came to life again.

    The girl's name Tabitha/Dorcus is of Aramaic origin, and its meaning is "gazelle". Biblical: Dorcas,was a kindly woman noted for her good works.

    Webster's Unabridged Dictionary:
    One of several small, swift, elegantly formed species of antelope, of the genus Gazella, dorcas; -- The gazelles are celebrated for the luster and soft expression of their eyes.

    In looking at the meaning in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary
    the last sentence caught my attention:

    (The gazelles are celebrated for the luster and soft expression of their eyes.)This must think by hearing this that if you looked into the eyes of Dorcus you would see her kindness and soft heart. You would not have to be told all that she does, just look into her eyes. What does our eyes show?

    It was and is still customary in the east to give the names of beautiful animals to young women. The comparison of fine eyes to those of the antelope is occurs in arabic writings and Persian poets. Dorcas/Tabitha most probably received her name in the same way. She was very beautiful, and was therefore called Tabitha and Dorcas.

    Verse 38. Sent unto him-desiring-that he would not delay to come

    They sent for him. Why they sent is not affirmed. It is probable that they wanted his presence to comfort them in this time of sadness. It is certainly possible they expected he might bring her to life; but this is not mentioned. The apostles had not yet raised no one from the death even Stephen had not been raised. We have no reason to think that they had any such expectation.


  2. Hi Donna,
    I was reading the story of Ruth and Naomi, and I thought of you. Who did you compare yourself too? Ever since you made that comment I have been wanting to read the Book of Ruth.

  3. A Godmorning to ya'll. I reaad your question early this morning and it has taken me till now to answer. Several reasons one of which is Saturday breakfast cooking, the 2nd and most accurate is like I said in the original post this story always goes straight to my heart. It always reveals something when I read. I knew there would be an answer for you that even if in a small way would reveal something to my heart.

    The answer before this morn would have been simply Naomi and I would have went on my way. I even went back and had to find my original post to you.

    Several things are being spoken to my heart this morning. In the original post I shared with you that growing up I always thought I was Naomi. This was further confirmed by the many great women that came my way. I was always wanting to be by their side and learn from them. It seemed as though they only came into my life for such a short time. My first revelation of this morn:

    Why God has also impressed in my heart Ecc. 3. "a time and a season"

    Then came the thought of my Blog site that my daughter set up for me many months ago and never used. She said well you are going to have one give me a name for it:

    "LIFE CONTINUES" I maybe have put 3 things on it. I like yours better ha ha ha ....

    As I thought of my blog I saw how I have seemingly tried to put PERIODS at the end of many events in my life. Just as with the seasons (Ecc.3) they have no PERIODS they continue year after

    Then I shared how son marrys and the young lady is so sweet but unsaved, she comes to the Lord one night in home group at my home and she and I both thought of the Ruth and Naomi story:

    Here I have become Ruth this one has blessed me probably the most of any season in my life. To watch her grow in God and serve Him not me, has been a blessing beyond words.

    Then as I sat sharing some of this with my hubby I thought of the Business that has wanted me to start a devotional time with their employees as often as I could. Remember these ladies are cleaning ladies from varying backgrounds. In one of the first discussions I had with the owner I shared with him how I would love for these ladies to get the self worth about them that they knew that they could be used of God in every home they went into. Here is what I saw at that statement this morn:

    They go in to homes as NAOMIS's and RUTHS. They are as Naomi was but they come to be a Ruth and lead other Women to God. Remember most of the homes these women work in are homes of considerable means.
    Thus now I think I have a group name THE NAOMI/RUTH GROUP- they need to know they can serve or lead as long as it is in God and His season.

    Now this comes back to me: Yes originally I thought of myself as a Naomi. Now in these later years I can see where I have been a Naomi for a season and I need to quite putting periods ALL the time and let LIFE CONTINUE as the SEASONS. So I can and so can all be NAOMI'S and RUTH'S according to the Season that God has us in. We just need to be sensitive to His will for us at that MOMENT.

    I hope this answered your question,it sure did something for me.

    Younger years I saw myself as Naomi but in the past few I had put a period and thought I was thinking wrong and I was Ruth. I see now that both are right.


  4. Thanks. I like what you said about seasons. I can see in my life where I have been a "Ruth" and then there are times when I have been a "Naomi." It does change and cycle.
    We are getting ready to move. There is alot to do, but we are very excited to see what GOD has in store for us. :)

  5. I am with you in prayer and can't wait to hear what God has in store. Look for even the smallest there you will find some of the biggest blessings that could be missed.

    Thought I would send a study length that I have found. While still studying the devotion on Judges 20:16

    This site has load of easy to find resources....

