If you have friends or family that think the Bible is boring and tame. Take time to read the story of Ehud. (3:12-30) While reading, try to create a visual picture of this story in your mind.
Good Morning
This is a picture of Mt. Tabor. This is the place where Barak attacked Sisera with 10,000 men. (4:14-16) Mt. Tabor is also the presumed site of transfiguration. (Mat. 17:1) Mt. Tabor really is a majestic mountain, you can click on the link for more pictures of it.Picture from Bibleplaces.com
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Scripture Reading
Judges 3:1-2, 12-14
1 Now these are the nations that the LORD left, to test Israel by them, that is, all in Israel who had not experienced all the wars in Canaan. 2 It was only in order that the generations of the people of Israel might know war, to teach war to those who had not known it before.
12And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and the LORD strengthened Eglon the king of Moab against Israel, because they had done what was evil in the sight of the LORD. 13 He gathered to himself the Ammonites and the Amalekites, and went and defeated Israel. And they took possession of the city of Palms. 14 And the people of Israel served Eglon the king of Moab eighteen years.
Thought of the Day
Can you see a pattern starting to develop with the Israelites? They are disobedient to YAHWEH, punished, cry out to YAHWEH, YAHWEH delivers them and forgives them, just to have them do it to HIM again.
As I was reading last night, there were several good points that the Bible makes in these chapters.
When GOD tests us, it is not always a "Test", sometimes it can be a preparation for future events to come in our lives. In verse 3:1-2 YAHWEH knew that this new generation had not experienced war, so it states that YAHWEH "Tested" them so they could gain the experience of war for future battles, maybe a larger one?
GOD never gives us more than we can handle. If you feel that you are being tested, maybe GOD is preparing you for a larger event to come in your life.In the last chapter we read how we need to make a choice. We need to choose GOD's blessing, or GOD's curse. The verses in 3:12-14 are great examples of this. When Israel was disobedient, not only did it anger YAHWEH, HE actually strengthened Israel's enemy. That is pretty direct, YAHWEH not only left Israel's side, but HE sided with her enemy.
If it seems like your enemies are always getting the best of you. Maybe lately you just can't seem to win, it is just one after another. I would examine my relationship with CHRIST. Maybe lately you have chosen YAHWEH's curses over HIS blessings?
Closing Prayer
Thank You Father for your indispensable love, grace and mercy. I pray that You open my eyes Father so I know the true childlike faith that You so much want me to have. Deepen my heart for those around me and teach me the ways of Your disciples. I pray Father for the peace and rest of our president and that he hears Your whispers. Thank You again for the Word You have provided to me so that I may listen and learn, and I pray that I do.
I love You and I pray in Your awesome Name.
Bible Trivia
What tribes of Israel settled east of the Jordan River?
Hint: Joshua 18:7
Well to the TRIVIA:
There were 12 sons born to Jacob. A tribe of Israel was formed by each of these sons making. 12 tribes. These were: Reuben, Shimon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Joseph, and Benjamin. These tribes settled on both sides of the Jordan River.
Which tribes settled east is the question I believe.
Gad and Reuben and the half-tribe of Manasseh also have received their inheritance eastward.
After King Solomon died, the Hebrew nation split into two kingdoms. Two tribes, the tribe of Judah and the tribe of the Jacob's youngest son (Benjamin) formed the Southern Kingdom, and the other 10 tribes, centered around Samaria made up the Northern Kingdom of Israel. In the year 722 BC, the Assyrians conquered the Kingdom of Israel and sent the Ten Tribes into Exile.
Things are settling down for the night and tomorrow I will not be home much. Finishing b'day shopping for the now 5 yr old. We will be having party for her and her young friends Sunday after Church. Saturday afternoon and evening will be filled with Horse show and that Future Rodeo Queen and Barrel Racing Champion....
I include a link tonight that is good for young folks:
If it does not come as a click and link copy and paste.
"When GOD tests us, it is not always a "Test", sometimes it can be a preparation for future events to come in our lives."
I copied this straight from your "Thought for the Day". I was re-reading the devotion this morming and that jumped out at me. So I felt like just emphazing it if not for anyone else but myself.
It is elaborated on by you again a couple of lines down this way:
"If you feel that you are being tested, maybe GOD is preparing you for a larger event to come in your life.In the last chapter we read how we need to make a choice."
Thanks Father for using your vessels Jim and Kim for this nugget of gold today.
Lives in PREPARATION what a way to be ready to see and be apart of
Ecc. 3
Thank You for the nice comments. It is just a joy to know that HE is using me. I want more and more!!
I had noticed that the link in the post was cut off and also that it does not click and link to site. So you will have to copy and paste to address to go there. This site is a Jewish site for Children that they can learn from so easily. Hope it is enjoyed. I like to use it myself cause I still have a child side LOL LOL :)
Ecc. 3
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