Sunday, April 29, 2007

1 Kings 21-22

Insight Into Scripture
During the weekend we were introduced to one amazing prophet; Elijah. And two very evil people; King Ahab and his wife Jezebel. Ahab and Jezebel were bad news for GOD's prophets. Jezebel enjoyed killing GOD's prophets, not good news for Elijiah! But, YAHWEH called Elijiah to confront the evil duo. It really is an interesting story that ends up with Ahab being killed by an arrow that just happens to land between the sections of his armor.

This is a picture of Mount Carmel. If tradition is correct this would be the best view of the "Contest" between Elijah and Ahab's prophets. (18:16ff) Look at this picture and imagine 2 altars, one altar with a lone man; Elijiah, who was sitting or maybe praying to YAHWEH. The other altar had 850 screaming, bleeding, dancing men. Now, paint the hillside with hundreds, maybe thousands of Israelites that came out to see which god would be victorious. These pictures are taken from

Scripture Reading
17 When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, "Is it you, you troubler of Israel?" 18 And he answered, "I have not troubled Israel, but you have, and your father's house, because you have abandoned the commandments of the LORD and followed the Baals. 19 Now therefore send and gather all Israel to me at Mount Carmel, and the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel's table." 25 Then Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, "Choose for yourselves one bull and prepare it first, for you are many, and call upon the name of your god, but put no fire to it." 26 And they took the bull that was given them, and they prepared it and called upon the name of Baal from morning until noon, saying, "O Baal, answer us!" But there was no voice, and no one answered. And they limped around the altar that they had made. 27 And at noon Elijah mocked them, saying, "Cry aloud, for he is a god. Either he is musing, or he is relieving himself, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened." 28 And they cried aloud and cut themselves after their custom with swords and lances, until the blood gushed out upon them. 29 And as midday passed, they raved on until the time of the offering of the oblation, but there was no voice. No one answered; no one paid attention.
30 Then Elijah said to all the people, "Come near to me." And all the people came near to him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD that had been thrown down. 31 Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of the LORD came, saying, "Israel shall be your name," 32 and with the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD. And he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain two seahs of seed. 33 And he put the wood in order and cut the bull in pieces and laid it on the wood. And he said, "Fill four jars with water and pour it on the burnt offering and on the wood." 34 And he said, "Do it a second time." And they did it a second time. And he said, "Do it a third time." And they did it a third time. 35 And the water ran around the altar and filled the trench also with water. 36 And at the time of the offering of the oblation, Elijah the prophet came near and said, "O LORD, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that you are God in Israel, and that I am your servant, and that I have done all these things at your word. 37 Answer me, O LORD, answer me, that this people may know that you, O LORD, are God, and that you have turned their hearts back." 38 Then the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. 39 And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said, "The LORD, he is God; the LORD, he is God." -1 Kings 18:16-19, 25-39 ESV

Thought for the Day
Have you ever felt unpopular? Or maybe the decision to follow Christ has not put you on societies A list? Maybe you have even lost some of your friends because of your choice? I bet if you were to ask Elijiah those questions, he would answers YES!
Being a prophet was not a popular line of work these days. Jezebel was killing The LORD's prophets (18:4) Elijiah was the cause of a 3 year drought (18:1) and now YAHWEH wanted Elijiah to confront the man who most likely hated him the most, as you can tell by Ahab's greeting in verse 18:17.
But, Elijiah being a faithful servant did what YAHWEH instructed. Can you imagine what Elijiah must of felt like, being out numbered 850 to 2? But, Elijiah knew something that the others did not, he had The Living GOD on his side. He had faith that his ONE would defeat ANY number, nothing was larger than his GOD. Don't you love how Elijiah taunted the other 850 so called prophets? "Shout louder, maybe his is on vacation." Heh Heh Heh
We read these stories and think to ourselves, "This happened so long ago, I mean it was the OLD testament." WRONG! The same GOD that was there with Elijiah is here right now with you. GOD does not change (Heb. 13:7-8) So next time you are feeling all alone, or like an outcast for something you believe in, remember that YOUR GOD is ALWAYS with you, and YOUR GOD is bigger than any number or situation. Find your peace and rest in HIM!

Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus
Father thank You for the Sabbath and time of rest with You. Father I pray for Your guidance in my daily life. Please help me to know Your plan and help me to be obedient. I pray Father that I will always know that You are always bigger than the world that surrounds me and I am safe in You.
I love You and I pray in Your great Name,


  1. As I read 1Kings 22, which I have read many times through the years, something stood out this time. This morning it struck me with a dose of humor and it's reality. Still today when God speaks and if it is not pleasing people don't want to hear from Him.


    IKings 22:5
    Moreover, Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel, "Please inquire first for the word of the Lord

    a. Please inquire for the word of the Lord today:
    knowing the advers relationship between Ahab and the prophets of Yahweh, this was a bold request of Jehoshaphat to ask of Ahab. It wasn’t surprising that Ahab picked prophets who would tell them that they wanted to hear.

    IKings 22:6
    Then the king of Israel gathered the prophets together, about four hundred men, and said to them, "Shall I go against Ramoth-gilead to battle or shall I refrain?" And they said, "Go up, for the Lord will give it into the hand of the king."

    a. Go up, for the Lord will deliver it into the hand of the king:
    When Ahab gathered the prophets, they were not faithful prophets of the Lord.

    BELOW: is the passage that humor and reality is in it still today.

    The passage was 1Kings 22:8, is the one that captured my attention this morning:

    8 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, "There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the LORD, but I HATE HIM, because he does not prophesy GOOD concerning me, but EVIL. He is Micaiah son of Imlah." But Jehoshaphat said, "Let not the king say so."

    a. I HATE him, because he does not prophesy good concerning me, but evil: (does this ever sound like any of us?)
    Ahab hated the MESSNEGER because of the MESSAGE. His REAL conflict was with God, but he focused his hatred against the PROPHET Micaiah.(do we ever do this?) Yet he was willing to listen to the King of Judah when he advised that Ahab should listen to the Prophet Micaiah.


    This passage brings home to me that God is the same from the kings and queens right down to me. His justice is the same.

    I found my humor in the king. With all his power and influence he could not change the prohet of God.
    The kings says I HATE God's prophet. I just see it funny that a King would be reasoning this Hatred. The reality comes in that it has not changed through the years. As long as God is pleasing and speaking what we want to hear we are all about HIM and in constant communication with HIM. As soon as He requires or shows something that we don't like we will shut Him down, like that is going to change it all, (funny of us).

    Well this is just a post of something that hit me while reading todays scripture....

    Ecc. 3

  2. After posting my comment I was reading this story, which I read many times. As I read it I keep thinking of 1Kings 22:8. So for those that might not have ever read and for those that have, I hope you enjoy and something is gained in a life with God.



    Once upon a time, in the heart of the Western Kingdom, lay a
    beautiful garden. And there, in the cool of the day, the Master of the garden was wont to walk. Of all the denizens of the garden, the most beautiful and most beloved was gracious and noble bamboo. Year after year, bamboo grew yet more noble and gracious, conscious of his Master's love and watchful delight, but modest and gentle withal. And often when the wind came to revel in the garden, Bamboo would cast aside his grave stateliness, to dance and play right merrily, tossing and swaying and leaping and bowing in joyous abandon, leading the Great Dance of the garden, Which most delighted the Master's heart.

    Now, once upon a day, the Master himself drew near to contemplate his Bamboo with eyes of curious expectancy. And Bamboo, in a passion of adoration, bowed his great head to the ground in loving greeting.

    The Master spoke: "Bamboo, Bamboo, I would use you."
    Bamboo flung his head to the sky in utter delight. The day of days had come, the day for which he had been made, the day to which he had been growing hour by hour, the day in which he would find his completion and his destiny.

    His voice came low: "Master, I'm ready. Use me as Thou wilt."
    "Bamboo," - The Master's voice was grave --- "I would have to take you and cut you down!"

    A trembling of great horror shook Bamboo."Cut .me. down? Me.. who
    thou, Master, has made the most beautiful in all thy Garden. Cut me down! Ah, not that. Not that. Use me for the joy, use me for the glory, oh master, but cut me not down!"

    Beloved Bamboo,"-The Master's voice grew graver still-"If I cut you not down, I cannot use you."

    The garden grew still. Wind held his breath. Bamboo slowly bent his
    proud and glorious head. There was a whisper:

    "Master, if thou cannot use me other than to cut me down.. then do thy
    will and cut".

    "Bamboo, beloved Bamboo, I would cut your leaves and branches from you also".

    "Master, spare me. Cut me down and lay my beauty in the dust; but would thou also have to take from me, my leaves and branches too?"

    "Bamboo, if I cut them not away, I cannot use you."

    The Sun hid his face. A listening butterfly glided fearfully away. And
    Bamboo shivered in terrible expectancy, whisperin low: "Master, cut away"

    "Bamboo, Bamboo, I would yet. split you in two and cut out your heart,
    for if I cut not so, I cannot use you."

    Then Bamboo bowed to the ground: "Master, Master. then cut and split."

    So did the Master of the garden took Bamboo.
    and cut him down.
    and hacked off his branches.
    and stripped off his leaves.
    and split him in two.
    and cut out his heart.

    And lifting him gently, carried him to where there was a spring of
    fresh sparkling water in the midst of his dry fields. Then putting one end of the broken Bamboo in the spring and the other end into the water channel in His field, the Master laid down gently his beloved Bamboo. And the spring sang welcome, and the clear sparkling waters raced joyously down the channel of bamboo's torn body into the waiting fields. Then the rice was planted, and the days went by, and the shoots grew and the harvest came.

    In that day Bamboo, once so glorious in his stately beauty, was yet
    more glorious in his brokenness and humility. For in his beauty he was life abundant, but in his brokenness he became a channel of abundant life to his Master's world.

    Author Unknown


  3. Bible Trivia;
    What missionary companion of Paul experienced an earthquake in a Philippian Jail?


    Acts 16:25-26
    25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.
    26 Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chains came loose.

    Wow if this is not something! It states that PAUL AND SILAS was the ones singing and praising God, yet when God moved ALL DOORS AND CHAINS were OPENED that means even those prisoners that was only LISTENING.

    This speaks to how our on praise and worship toward God can have an affect on those around us.

    Once again this also shows me you can learn and see something new or that you have never seen no matter how many times you have read a particular passage of Gods Word. This is the first time I have ever noticed this fact.

    Ecc. 3
