Sunday, April 15, 2007

2 Samuel 15-16

Insight Into Scripture

In today's reading Absalom has turned on his father. He has made a choice to take over David's kingdom by deceit and power. Absalom's choice to be crowned king in Hebron was a shrewd political maneuver. Hebron was 19 miles away from Jerusalem, and David was first crowned king.

I pray that you had a blessed Sabbath Day. Even though Easter Sunday has passed, I hope that you will keep that spirit of our Resurrected Savior alive.Today, we are going to jump back a couple of chapters. Things were going great for David. He honored YAHWEH and obeyed HIM in everything that he did, and YAHWEH gave him success in everything he did until...........

Scripture Reading
David and Bathsheba1 In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle, David sent Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel. And they ravaged the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained at Jerusalem. It happened, late one afternoon, when David arose from his couch and was walking on the roof of the king's house, that he saw from the roof a woman bathing; and the woman was very beautiful. And David sent and inquired about the woman. And one said, "Is not this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?" So David sent messengers and took her, and she came to him, and he lay with her. (Now she had been purifying herself from her uncleanness.) Then she returned to her house. And the woman conceived, and she sent and told David, "I am pregnant." - 2 Samuel 11:1-5 ESV

Thought for the Day
Bathsheba. To be honest Bathsheba was not guilty (Until she gave in and slept with David.) Her being on the roof of her house, taking a bath after her menstrual cycle was totally normal and acceptable. David let his lust grow into sin,and sin grew into someone's death; Uriah. David also did damage to YAHWEH and his relationship.

If you have read the story before, David saw Bathsheba bathing, he had to have her, he slept with her, she became pregnant, David had to hide the fact that Bathsheda was pregnant, then he failed at trying to coax her husband to sleep with her, so he had Uriah moved to the front line where David knew Uriah would be killed. This little lust turned eventually into murder. WOW.

You might read this story and say, "Well, I would never commit adultery." But this story goes beyond adultery. The lesson here is LUST. Lust is that itty bitty voice or desire that says "I need that" no "I have to have it" or maybe "I deserve it". Your desire does not have to be the opposite sex, it can be a car, handbag, a new pair of shoes, a house, a new computer, it can be anything.
Lust that is not controlled moves you into bad places. It gives birth to sin, or might move you into financial disarray. The worse part is, you move your focus and dependance off of YAHWEH and onto worldly items, which HURTS your relationship with HIM.

I have failed in this area terribly, and I have learned that this desire comes straight from satan. You cannot play with fire and not get burned. When you feel these lustful desires coming on, do not negotiate, look the other way, focus on Christ, whatever you need to do to get your mind on heavenly things, do it. I would encourage you to be honest with yourself this week, what do you do when you see an attractive man or women, or that new mustang? Are you refocusing on heavenly things or things here on earth?

Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus
Thank You Father for Your amazing love, grace and mercy that You give everyday. Thank You for new direction and journeys that keep life VERY interesting. Father I pray that I will know the direction to follow as I follow You and I pray that I keep my eyes on You and not things of this world. I want so much to be a great example for those around me so that they will ask about and get to know You. Father, I know that I am only human and I can not do it without Your help, so please help me Father to work for Your kingdom and not this world.
I love You ad I pray in Your Great Name,

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  1. Bible Trivia
    What sin did apostle Paul tell the Thessalonians is likely to occur at night?


    1 Thessalonians 5:7:

    For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night:

    1) We should not sleep, because we do not belong to the darkness of night, 1 Thessalonians 5:5. We need to see that our spiritual life be found asleep. Spiritually speaking, we need to be found active, aware and sober on watch for darkness trying to take over.

    a.People living spiritually sober doesn't get too excited about the things of this world. The person who lives their life for fun and entertainment and no place for Christ isn't sober.

    b. The opposite of spiritual sobriety is to be spiritually drunk. As Christians we are of the day, and so we must watch and be sober.

    For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night: The opposite of spiritual watchfulness is spiritual sleep.

    Luke 21:34 tells the importance of our watchfulness and not being found drunk. Man should have moderation in all temporal things, because the Lords coming is soon. With the thought of the Lord coming soon in mind, watchfulness and sobriety should be a noticable attribute of a Christian's character.

    Drunkeness was used most probably here because for all times it has been considered that one that was drunk in day was found to be disgraceful even to the drunkard. One that got drunk in excess would most likely be found after dark as to try to hide their condidtion. That continues to this day.

    Having sat under bridges and among cardboard box housing with homeless, sharing God's love, at light of day for the majority would be sober but as evening began to grow dark the need for drink grew strong and easier for them to do to an excessive amount.

    I many times would sat and see their lives parralle a live having any KNOWN sin in it. It seems that as dark comes it is easier for them to operate in their Sins.

    Donna / agranny3

    P.S. Jim and Kim

    (YOU LOVE G_D) and I LOVE G_D

  2. I like the saying being spiritually drunk. :)
