Tuesday, April 10, 2007

2 Samuel 1-2

Insight Into Scripture

The pool of Gibeon was not just a pool, it was a water system for Gibeon. In time of battle the city could rely on their own water system. It is estimated that 3,000 tons of rock had to be removed to build this system.
The butt end of a spear is made reference several times. (2:23) The butt end of the spear was honed to a point, it was for a goad or to stick the spear into the ground. It sounds just as lethal as the "Sharp" end.

This picture may be the Pool of Gibeon. The Bible makes references to the "Pool of Gibeon" several times.This must have been a popular spot to gather around. This is the spot where David's men defeated Abner's men. (2 Samuel 2: 8:17) The Bible tells us that the fighting was fierce. Click to see more pictures of Gibeon. The picture is taken from Bibleplaces.com.

Scripture Reading
11 Then David and all the men with him took hold of their clothes and tore them. 12 They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, and for the army of the LORD and the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword. - 2 Samuel 1:11-12

Thought for the Day
As we further look into David's character, David's expression of love and sorrow impressed me. Saul was a man who truly wanted David dead, yet David mourned Saul's death as that of a best friend or father. David respected Saul's position as the anointed King, even though he was the new king and he may have not agreed with how Saul ruled.

A thought comes to mind. A lot of times I think that I am ready for a task, but YAHWEH knows different. I am ready to go, go, go, but HE says "Not yet." It is hard for me to wait because I like to get things done, but I have learned that YAHWEH's timing is always perfect.

A good example is David. He was anointed king, so what did he do? Went back to attending his sheep until the time was right. I believe that David found security and peace in YAHWEH no matter where or what situation he was in. Maybe you are in a situation like David. You are ready to GO, but YAHWEH is telling you to wait. I would encourage you to do as David did, find your peace in HIM. When the time is right, HE will move you and it will be so much better if you wait upon HIM.

Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus
Thank You Father for the prayers of others that we get to pray for. I pray Father that You will help me to be slow to react and quick to listen to You. I pray that I know when it is You moving and not me. I pray that I am obedient and make You proud. Take my heart Father and mold it. In Your Name I pray ever so deeply.

Barukh attah Adonai melekh m'hulal batishbachot


  1. Hello to all that read and allows your life to be touched by the message that comes daily, even with moving home and business.

    I was sent an e-mail tonight by another reader that gods411 has been nominated for a blog award. I am placing the address below. You will have to type or copy and paste into address bar to link to it. Once there all it requires is for you to register a username and password. Then you can go to Relegion and click and then find Gods 411 and go to far right and click on vote. As I write this it is in a tie with about 4 others for 1st.... Lets keep it there this contest will run for 2 months I think. Here is the address:


    If it does not all come through I will come back and give another way for it to be linked to ....

    Lets all get on-line and show our support for Gods 411

  2. On the address an 8 is left off at the end so make sure you place an 8 at end of the address

  3. Bible Trivia
    What does the writer of Hebrews say we should continually offer to God?

    Sacrifice of Praise is the answer.

    This passage is most often just read to casually. With the thought of singing songs and it is that, but it is so much more and if you can get just how strong of an emphasise is being put on this SACRIFICE of praise you will never look at your time of praise OFFERING to God the same.

    In reviewing this it always stands out to me that the word SACRIFICE denoted the offering of something to God and meant a loss of life/blood shed. When we Praise we are presenting an OFFERING to God but how SACRIFICIALLY are we OFFERING. To attempt to get an answer to this question I looked at this phrase below-----


    In the literal Hebrew translation of these two words (sacrifice/praise) it is read like this:

    "the heifers of our lips."

    This most likely is talking about the sacrifices of heifers, calves on the altars to God; so that

    the calves /heifers of their lips

    were the sacrifices which they had promised. How then does calves become fruit it is by the omitting of one word in the hebrew, calves/heifers become fruit.

    Proverbs 18:20- With the fruit of his mouth -- Our own words frequently shape our good or evil in life.

    Hosea 14:2- "That we may present the fruit of our lips" ----is speaking of our prayers offered

    Jesus being the last blood sacrifice that He will ever accept, and Jesus is the gift of God's love to the world, let us through Hiim offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, this became the substitute for all the Levitical sacrifices.

    By Him (JESUS) let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God. Our sacrificial altar is (the cross) and our High Priest (Jesus), we should always offer sacrifices. But they are not the bloody sacrifices of the Levetical Law/ old covenant, but the sacrifice of praise, that can only be offered by the Christians through the blood of Jesus.



    FROM: David Guzik's Commentaries
    on the Bible

    The book of Hebrews gives us the way of proper praise.

    �Praise that pleases God--is offered by Him, that is, by Jesus Christ, on His righteousness and pleasing God.

    �Praise that pleases God--is offered continually, so that we are always praising Him.

    �Praise that pleases God--is a sacrifice of praise, in that it may be costly or inconvenient.

    �Praise that pleases God--is the fruit of our lips, more than just thoughts directed TOWARDS God. It is spoken out unto the Lord, either is prose or in song. "What proceeds from the lips is regarded as fruit, which reveals the character of its source, as the fruit of a tree reveals the nature of the tree." (Guthrie)

  4. I went and voted. Did you see who had the most votes???

  5. hummmmm Who was that other person that was a king but grew up as a carpenter and did until His time had come??????

    I know that this is a no brainer but Jim and Kim I had not ever seen this particular fore shadowing of King David's life to KING JESUS LIFE.... until I read what you said in your devotion, I love small revelations like this....

    Ecc. 3

    Ok, This is one that I have known King David and Jesus had in common the age of 30.....

  6. If you are talking about the non Christian sites, they have been in first since last night..... I have had a very nice e-mail exchange today with the sites programmer she is a christian. I will fwd. to you .


  7. Yup we received your messages. That is a neat Blogger Awards, where did you find it?
