Our True Father - 2 Chronicles 4-6
Insight Into Scripture
Good Morning! Today we are going to move through chapters 4-6. Starting with chapter 4 we read about the furnishing for the temple, then in chapter 5 how the Ark is brought into the Temple, and finally Solomon says a prayer to dedicate the Temple.When you are reading notice the amount of precious metals that went into the temple. Twice it is stated that it was too much to be counted or recorded.
Bringing the Bible Alive
This is a picture of The Western Wall. This surviving Western Wall is considered to be the most holy Jewish Site due to the proximity of destroyed anciet temples. I found a site to see the Western Wall on a live Web cam, click HER E to see a live picture. To read more about Solomon's temple you can click inside the picture of The Western Wall.
Scripture Reading
5 And of all my sons (for the LORD has given me many sons) HE has chosen Solomon my son to sit on the throne of the kingdom of the LORD over Israel. 6 HE said to me, 'It is Solomon your son who shall build my house and my courts, for I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be his father. - 1 Chronicles 28:5-6
Thought for the Day
I know that the verses come from our past readings, but they have been hanging around in my head. Our men's group is discussing how GOD is our true Father. Some of us, if not all, men and women alike may have felt like our earthly fathers let them down or disappointed us in some way. Some of our earthly fathers may have done much worse. But, the wonderful news is that no matter the relationship with our earthly fathers, we have our true Father who will never let us down!
If we look at David, he had an amazing heart for GOD, but, may have not been the best father in the world. Tamar, his daughter, was raped by her half brother Amnon, and David really did not take care of business. Then there was Absalom his other son who forced David off the throne, then Solomon. David's other son; Solomon was a result of an affair and murder. Whew..... it sounds like a show for Jerry Springer!
We do not know the mind-set of Solomon for David. I am sure that if those were the circumstances in today's world Solomon might have had some ill feelings for his dad. But, here is the part I love, GOD steps in and says, Solomon is MY son, and I will be his FATHER. Forget the past and let us change the future.
GOD says the same thing about YOU today. HE is your true FATHER and HE will never let you down. Now, I know that won't clear up all the feelings and hurts, you might need to get involved into a group to talk out those feelings. But, it is a great light on the future and your new relationship.
Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus
Father I pray today that You will lighten my load, carry my burdens and help me to feel the reassurance I have in Your love. Father I pray that I will dig down deep a in my heart and meet You there and know that You love me and that You are my only provider and protector. Thank You for Your unconditional love.
I love You and I pray, in Your Name, Amen
Hi! I am new to your daily devotions and blogs. In fact, I am new to blogs period. I have read some off and on but never really participated. I am wondering who has time???? :-) Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed your teachings and devotions so far. They seem biblically sound and encouraging. We are in a day and age when it is becoming more and more difficult to find biblically sound doctrine and encouragement in the Lord! It seems your devotions have come at a time when I am struggling and sinking into a depression but thank the Lord for faithful servants like you who stand in the gap. Thank you for your committment to God's word and to getting it out. Who would have thought I would find encouragement in an E-BAY BLOG! The Lord works in mysterious ways! lol Have a blessed day!
Hi Momontherun,
I know that BLOGs take alot time! Thank you so much for the encouraging words, it is so nice to hear!!!
I am so proud that GOD's words are coming out in my thoughts. I agree with sound teaching, it is something that GOD has put on my hear. It reminds me of the verse in 2 Timothy 4:3 where it says that there will come a time when people will only want to hear things that "tickle their ears".
If you ever need to talk Kim and I are almost always on the net and Kim would love to chat with you!
Have a Blessed Day!
Jim & Kim :)
OK Jim and Kim I am going to start the post on meaning of the Name of Barabbas. I will not probably get it finished in this setting. Had a busy day and a busy night to come. Plus I have had all the grand-children today, WHEWWWW!!! do they have energy.
Bible Trivia:
What notorious prisoner gained his freedom from Pontius Pilate as Jesus was sentenced to crucifixion?
ANSWER: Barabbas
Matthew 27:24-26
26. Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.
As usuall I wanted to look for the meaning of a word. I was impressed the word was BARABBAS... Now nowing the importance placed on the names I knew this should be fun but a short and sweet study... ha ha ha I was fooled. Not only did I find a meaning of a name but found that it could hold significance to the name of Jesus.
What is the meaning and significance of the name Bar Abbas?
Barabbas-"son of the father?
This started me thinking about Aramaic and could Christ Jesus be "Bar Abba" the son of the father? This has brought on a cool study and how odd and what could this mean is the question I am left with.
Study now has led me to another meaning. I find this in something that History seems to indicate. History indicate that BARABBAS was of the party of Zealots, who desired to throw off the Roman strong rule by force. According to (Jerome) (On Matthew), the name,BARABBAS, in the apocryphal Gospel According to the Hebrews was "filius magistri eorum", "SON OF THEIR TEACHER." Since "father" might be applied to a rabbi, both forms of the name may indicate that Barabbas' father held a position of leadership in the Jewish religious community.
In some ancient manuscripts they give Barabbas's first name as Jesus, now remember Jesus was not an uncommon name of the time. This would have made Pilate's offer even more poignant: "Whom do you want me to release for you (Jesus) Barabbas or Jesus who is called Christ?" (Mt. 27:17). Now in reading this please remember the importance placed upon a name at that time. Much about a persons family and lineage is in their name.
More to Come and let me say before anyone thinks that I am relating our Savior Jesus in any way in a positive to a robber,murdrer I'm not but as this develops God will reveal that of the world and That of the Spirit
Oh by the way I wanted to send a Hello and blessing to momontherun from Alabama. I like that username. On days like this when I have all the grand=children I might need to consider agranny3ontherun....Taken them to a lunch then shopping at WalMart and then intersecting 2 of thems Mom and home with groceries cook for two families. Oh ok enough granny I will say good bye for now, but maybe not for long...
OK..... MORE..... :)
Hi Granny and Kim and Jim. What a great group. I will fill you in on a little about me since I am up burning the midnight oil. I work at home doing medical transcription so I can set my own hours basically. I try not to make a habit out of working at night but sometimes it can't be helped. I have 2 girls, age 9 and 6. They are both adopted from China and attend a Christian School. That is the main thing that keeps me hopping. My number one goal is to be involved in their daily lives and everything that goes with being in a private school. I actually home schooled the youngest this year for Kindergarten and the oldest gets out for the summer tomorrow. Granny, I know kids, especially grandkids, can be a handful and I am so thankful for grandparents like you who take the time to help with the grandkids. And the fact that you are a godly grandmother is a HUGE PLUS in those children's lives. Your grandchildren are truly blessed to have you in their lives. I live in Kansas by the way and I thank the Lord that I don't live in Greensburg, Kansas. My brother and his family use to and the house they lived in is no more. So sad. Anyway..I hope to keep reading and blogging with ya'll as much as I can. I truly believe the Lord led me here. :-) Blessings and hugs.
Hey Momontherun,
That is so neat to hear about you adopting your 2 girls. We adopted our son from a mom in AK. It has been a neat process. Kim and I were not able to have children.
I know what you mean about working at home, it is nice, but it is too easy to wrok sometimes. I have to tell myself that I am done and I am going to spend time with the family!
I am stopping with this I promise...NOT... that is to be seen ha ha ha.
Here are the things that started this: my love for looking up name/word meanings, doing just that with the name Barabbas, seeing these words: son of the father, son of THEIR teacher and father/rabbi. These are familiar word attributed to Jesus the Christ but as I found them they were being attributed to a robber theif and murderer, "Barabbas".
1) Barabbas- Bar (son) of - abba (father)
2) Barabbas- filius magistri eorum (Hebrew) son of THEIR teacher.
3) The word father might also be applied a Rabbi which in both forms of the name of Barabbas may indicate his father held a position of leadership in the religious community.
1) Jesus is the TRUE Son of the TRUE FATHER OF ALL MANKIND.
2) Jesus is the TEACHER- at age 12 where was He found and what was He doing? This can not be proved but I had this thought, Barabbas's father could have been present in the synagogue at this time, as indication given of his religous leadership.
3) Jesus called Rabbi/teacher:
(Mt 8:19, Mk 12:14, 19, Lk 21:7, Jn 20:16, etc.). On one occasion, He teaches one of the most profound lessons on humility in Scripture:
John 13:13-15
13 You call me Teacher and Lord--and you are right, for that is what I am.
14. So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.
15 For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.
Verse 15 is a powerful verse to me, All set examples some like Barabbas's are examples Not to follow. The question I now ask myself, WHAT KIND OF EXAMPLES AM I SETTING FORTH? ARE THEY ONES THAT MY JESUS NOT (jesus)Barabbus BUT JESUS THE SAVIOR WOULD PUT FORTH?
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