Monday, July 30, 2007

Sex God's Way

Sex God's Way - Song of Solomon 1-8

Good Morning! Today, we read all of Song of Solomon or some of your Bibles may say Song of Songs. Let's give you a little background before ahem...... we start to get into the meat of the devotional.Song of Solomon is a book full of marvelous poetry that is full of vivid images. Song of Solomon is several love poems that describe sexual love between a man and a woman, it celebrates marital fidelity. When reading keep this in mind, it helped me out quite a bit. There are three people involved and speaking:
Beloved - The Woman
Lover - The Man
Friends - The Beloved's female companions.
OK, that should make it easier to read and understand. One thought before we start, some people say that Song of Solomon does not belong in the Bible, after reading this, what are your thoughts?

Song of Solomon 7:6-9
6 How beautiful you are and how pleasing,
O love, with your delights!
7 Your stature is like that of the palm,
and your breasts like clusters of fruit.
8 I said, "I will climb the palm tree;
I will take hold of its fruit."
May your breasts be like the clusters of the vine,
the fragrance of your breath like apples,
9 and your mouth like the best wine.

Thought for the Day
Wait a minute! Was that the Bible or was that a raunchy romance novel??? No, that was your Bible.
To read Song of Solomon you have to have the mind set of Genesis 2:23-25
Adam Said:
"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman,
' for she was taken out of man."
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and
they will become one flesh.
The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.

This is THE WAY GOD intended the relationship between a married man and woman to be. SEX is a gift from GOD, it is a wonderful gift. But, man giving into the temptation of sin, has done plenty to almost destroy this gift. satan is also doing everything in his power to take this wonderful gift, destroy it's value, and turn it into his glory.

Today, instead of celebrating this gift, we spend a lot of time being ashamed, protected, and almost afraid of this gift. We abuse it and use it against each other. satan is doing a happy dance, but you can stop him from doing his happy dance by using GOD's gift as it was meant to be used. By and through GOD.

I have been on both sides of this spectrum. I have abused GOD's gift, and I have used GOD's gift. I understand the temptation that the evil one gives you, and I now understand the amazing blessing that comes from GOD when HE is in it. Now to me, it sounded weird to include GOD in sexual issues, but again, it is HIS gift to us. Once I included GOD, I was blown away. I have never experienced anything like it.

I am not going to go into all the aspects of how GOD intended HIS gift to be used for MARRIED couples. But, imagine a triangle. This triangle would represent GOD's gift. GOD has to be at the pinnacle of this triangle; the point, the lead. The man and the wife make the other two points. Once you have this triangle, go have fun and explore each other and the amazing gift that GOD gave you! Have a great day!

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A-Granny-r4 said...

Bible Trivia:

Connect the Thots:

ANSWER: stoning is the connection

Acts 14:19, Joshua 7:24-26, Acts 7:59

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