The Child in You - Matthew 16-20
Happy Columbus Day! I hope that you have had a restful weekend. Over the weekend we have moved up to chapter 20 in Matthew. There is so much good life information in the gospels. If you are like me, these parables that Jesus teaches us, I understand the concept, but Jesus takes these simple commands and gives the concept a whole new dimension. Take forgiveness as an example, yes, I know that I need to forgive people, but Jesus tells us that we need to forgive from the heart. Wow, for me that puts a whole new twist on the concept of forgiveness!
Here are a few more concepts that Jesus tells us that might be worth refreshing your memory.
People That Sin Against You
Mercy/Forgiveness to Others
When Divorce is OK
Being Single
There is one more point of interest that might help you understand Jesus' heart. In chapter 17, Jesus starts to look toward the Cross and cup that He has before Him. In Chapter 19 Jesus leaves Galilee and arrives in Jordan, then in chapter 21 Jesus makes His triumphal entry.
Matthew 18:1-4 ESV
1 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked,
"Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"
2 He called a little child and had him stand among them.
3 And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change
and become like little children, you will never enter the
kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever humbles
himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom
of heaven.
The Child In You
I know that you have heard this story before. It is one that Jesus tells a couple of times, so it is a concept that Jesus wants us to understand.
Stop and think for a minute. When you think of a child, what comes to your mind? If you were to ask me, a child is usually happy and care-free. They have a natural curiosity for life. They are quick to forgive and make up. They do not worry about life, they live in the moment. These are just a couple that come to my mind, I am sure that you could add to mine.
Take your list, and now transfer that to your life? Do you display those traits? Jesus tells us to have the attitude of a child, you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Those are some pretty strong words, aren't they?
I will share with you where I am trying to let the child out in me again. Maybe you will be able to identify with me.
I personally need to have a deeper curiosity for Jesus and the Bible. I need to stop thinking like I know that or this, and really want to understand and question everything. A child needs to know everything. Have you ever gotten into a conversation about the moon with a child? (Something so simple right?) You know how the conversation goes: Why does the moon smile? Well Johnny, it seems to smile, but actually those are craters that look like a smile. Oh, OK..... What are craters? Well Johnny, craters are made from meteorites. Oh, OK..... what are meteorites? You get the picture? We need to have the same kind of curiosity for Jesus.
I need to stop worrying about my future and what is going to happen, how the bills are going to be paid, are we going to make enough money this month. When was the last time you heard a child asking if we were going to have enough money for food this month? A child puts all their trust into you, they do not worry about the future, they live today, the moment. A BIG lesson for me.
Have you ever watched kids when they are playing? They do fight and argue, but once they find an adult and tell their side of the story. The adult tells them to make up. Both children say they are sorry, then 5 minutes later they are best friends again. This is huge for us. We need to move forgiveness from our heads to our hearts, as Jesus commands us.
So, if anyone ever tells you to stop acting like a child, just smile and know that you are that much closer to the Kingdom of Heaven. :) Have a Blessed Day! Jim
Bible Trivia
When Jesus and Peter were talking about paying the two-drachma tax, where did Jesus tell Peter to find their taxes?
Hint: Matthew 17:24-27
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