Merry CHRISTmas!
Greetings! I hope that everyone survived the BIG after Thanksgiving day sales. Whether you were shopping or working at your job, I pray that you were able to enjoy your time and the others around you.
Kim and I went out and had a lot of fun, well, up until the time I received a speeding ticket on the way home. I know that GOD allows everything to happen for a purpose, and I am sure that by holding us up, Kim and I avoided something bad.......but I could of done without the $100.00 fine. :)
I was finishing up with John this week, yes, I have been taking my time and really digging into GOD's work. The last part of John (From chapter 13 on) has some great insight into Jesus' thinking. I feel that this makes John very unique from the other gospels. In fact right before Jesus was arrested, He says a prayer for you and I.
Jesus Prays for All Believers"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also
for those who will believe in me through their
message, that all of them may be one, Father,
just as you are in me and I am in you. May they
also be in us so that the world may believe that
you have sent me. I have given them the glory
that you gave me, that they may be one as we
are one: I in them and you in me.
May they be brought to complete unity
to let the world know that you sent me and
have loved them even as you have loved me.
"Father, I want those you have given me to be
with me where I am, and to see my glory, the
glory you have given me because you loved me
before the creation of the world. "Righteous Father,
though the world does not know you, I know you, and
they know that you have sent me. I have made you
known to them, and will continue to make you known
in order that the love you have for me may be in them
and that I myself may be in them." - John 17:20-26
Complete Your Joy
Today, I wanted to take a look at your prayer life. I would guess that most of us (Myself included) do not have the prayer life that we should.
Have you ever had a friend or a relative, that when you see them, the conversation is all one sided? Maybe you might meet them at your local coffee shop. You grab your favorite latte, find a spot away from all the action, and start to talk. But as soon as you start the conversation, it is...... I did this, I want to do this, My kids are doing this, I bought this yesterday..... I I I I!
By the middle of the conversation you are looking for a way out, maybe hoping your cell phone would ring, anything. Then when you leave, I would guess that you would feel empty. That is what I would guess most of our prayer lives are like. We quickly connect with Jesus, and start on the onslaught of I's. Then when our prayers are not answered right away, Jesus is not doing His job, or not listening.
I was reading the passage in John 16:23-24 and it really stuck with me. We ask for something in Jesus' name, you will receive it so that your joy may be complete. Now obviously everything we ask for does not line up with the Bibles guidelines, (Like asking for a new Shelby Cobra Mustang) so that is an issue all in it's self. But, today I wanted to take a look at completing your joy.
There is a story of Smith Wigglesworth. Wigglesworth was in dire financial need. At that time he was in London visiting the home of a wealthy man. Wigglesworth simply committed his financial burden to the Lord and refused to worry about it. He told no one. He knew the Lord would take care of it.
As he and His friends were out walking in the park, Wigglesworth was happy and singing, rejoicing in his spirit. His rich friend commented that he would give all he owned to have the same spirit of joy that Wigglesworth had.
Wigglesworth told him it wouldn't cost him anything; all he had to do was cast all his cares on Jesus. Wigglesworth explained that this is what he had done, and he was without a care in the world. He could be free and happy. He still did not mention his financial need to his friend, but instead talked of victory and joy in Christ Jesus.
One man had material wealth but no joy. The other lacked material things but was filled with joy. What was the secret? Wigglesworth knew the truth of the scripture, A... ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be complete.
How many times have you done that in your prayer life. (I know that I struggle with this) I have a problem in my life, in my mind I give the problem to Jesus, but I have not let it go in my heart. I still worry about it, I focus on it, I am grumpy, I let it ruin my day. What I should do is what Smith Wigglesworth did. Pray, give it to Jesus, then trust that Jesus is going to take care of me and my problem. Then let the love and joy of Jesus complete me. Does that make sense?
The other area that will complete your joy is to spend time worshipping Jesus in your prayer life. What does it mean to worship Jesus? Well, what I have been doing, and I have found to be giving me joy, is to get alone with Jesus. I go somewhere quiet, and peaceful, then spend time talking to Jesus, and yes time listening too, so Jesus and my conversation is not all.... I I I. I would encourage you this week to work on completing your joy. - Have a Blessed Week in Christ! - Jim
Bible Trivia
When Jesus is talking to Thomas after His resurrection, He calls us blessed. Why?
Hint: John 20:29
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