Sunday, December 16, 2012

Why Would God Allow The Shooting in School?

Why Would God Allow The Shooting in School?

I wrote this some time ago, and since then it is sad the number of shootings that have taking place. Something has to change.........

When I heard of the shooting of the Elementary School in Connecticut I felt sick to my stomach, I cried out to God and said; "Where are you Lord?" This is the second shooting in a week, why... why would you allow this to happen?
Then I remembered my Bible and the history of God and man and I remembered that this was an act of free will by an person that satan had gotten ahold of. Let me explain.
God created man with this perfect relationship in mind. He never wanted this pain and suffering for man. God created Adam, and gave Adam one rule, do not eat of this fruit. But, Adam wanted his free will over the one rule God gave him. Now you might say, that is not fair that I am punished for the wrong doing of one man, why should I be punished? Yes, it seems unfair, but Adam is our fore-father and we inherited his sin. Just as you have inherited good and bad traits from your parents.
God loves us so much that He gave us what we want, free will. If you are honest with yourself we all want the free will to do whatever we want to do. Think about it for a moment, which kind of a god would you want? A god that demands you must follow a set of rules, that you must pray everyday at 5pm for 30 minutes facing south? A god that demands that you must give 10% of everything you make to him, a god that demand that you go to church every Sunday, twice. Can you see where I am going? It really does not sound like love? It sounds like a dictator.
Or would you want a God to give you what you really deep inside want.... free will to chose to do whatever you want to do. Plus, He also gives you a way out when you sin against one of His rules that He set up to protect you from yourself and to maintain a relationship with Him.
The only problem with free will is that everyone is allowed to have it. Good people, and the people that cause pain and hurt others. So God did not allow this to happen, He loves all people enough to give them their own free will.
Where you will see God is while the tragic event is happening or He will use the outcome to glorify Him. For example in the Oregon Mall Shooting police say that the gun that the shooter use may have jammed. If this had not happened more people could have died. Really? Do you not think the shooter loved his guns? Do you not think that he cleaned his guns and was ready to go? When tragic events happen look deeper into the tragic event and you will see the fingerprints of God.
I am so sorry for the people that were affected by this terrible event. I cry out to God to bring His light into this dark world. We need you Lord, please be with all your peoples. May you be glorified in the tragic event and defeat the real one behind this, satan.
May God Be With You

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