Monday, April 15, 2013

What if You Met Bigfoot?

Insight Into the Scriptures
As you read today's chapters they are pretty forward. I would pay close attention to verses 14:9-12. God describes what the punishment will be for those who take the mark of the beast.

Chapter 16 describes 7 judgements from God. These take place just before Jesus returns. I read an interesting note, it states that all mankind will go through The Great Tribulation (7:14) but only the disobedient (refusing to turn to God) will be given God's wrath. These will be dealt with with no mercy, these people will feel all of God's anger (I hate to even write about it).

Here we read again of an awful time here on Earth. Although these are awful, they can teach us some good lessons. There are several passages that are worth knowing, whether we are here or not, they are straight forward and express God's view and punishment on our actions.

I really would like to get you thinking about your faith. It may be the time when Christ returns, or it may be many years from now. Either way, there is nothing that you will ever do here on Earth that will compare to having a relationship with Christ.

Here is my question to you today, have you had an encounter with Jesus Christ?

I have a very dear friend that I care deeply about. He and I were talking, he expressed that his faith was very personal and tended not to share it much. There are tons of people that have religion and their faith, and I am not one to judge another relationship with Christ, because it is theirs. But, here are my thoughts.

I have heard there is a Bigfoot person out here in the Pacific Northwest. There is a lot of talk about them, there are books written about them, there are even fuzzy photographs of them. But, have you ever seen a Bigfoot? I have not. So let's say I am walking in the woods, and I meet up with this Bigfoot person. I have an encounter with it. I touch it, smell it, I have an amazing encounter with this Bigfoot. What do you think is going to happen when I get back home? Am I going to keep it a secret? Or am I going to go to the papers and tell everyone that this Bigfoot exists!?! I would imagine that most everyone would go to the papers and tell of their encounter.

The same is true of an encounter of Christ. When or if you have an encounter with Christ, there is no way that you will be able to keep your encounter quiet. So, have you had an encounter with Christ?

Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus, You know where our relationship is and what it can be. Lord, I desire a deeper encounter with You, Jesus I want more of You, and less of me. Jesus, please pull me into that encounter to where I can't bare to keep Your name quite.
I love You Jesus, please be with me today.
In Your Amazing Name,

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