Saturday, May 18, 2013

What Do You Do When You Are Attacked?

Insight Into the Scriptures
Let's set the background for this letter. It was written in Rome by Peter. It was written around 62 - 64AD, Nero was the Emperor. Nero was a bad news for believers, there was severe repression, terrible persecution for Christians. Nero burned Christians alive as torches to light his gardens at night. He also killed Christians in equally sever ways, such as feeding them to wild animals for public entertainment, he must of murdered thousand of Rome's Christians.
Peter wrote this letter to Asia Minor, to warn and prepare them, for what he thought was coming their way.

When I read this letter, I had a feeling of.... maybe sadness. It was not an encouraging or uplifting letter. One word kept on coming up... suffering.

We tend to destroy what we do not understand, I can imagine living back then as a Follower of Christ, the underground Church. Just for a minute put yourself in a non believer's place, you just over heard two "Christian" men talking, they were discussing eating the body and drinking the blood of Christ, then as the two men left, they gave a "Holy kiss" and said I love you. WHOA!

1 Peter 4:14-16
"If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name."

Thought for the Day
Kim owns a website, but she also sells quite a bit on ebay. We have taken a bold stand for Christ. On every one of our auction pages we have a link to A Rapture Letter, Letter to satan, and Plan of Salvation. I have to say, it has been very interesting. Most people will Bless our work, but a handful are very aggressive and hurtful to what Kim have poured he Hearts and Soul into.

One lady wrote Kim, and in so many words said it was so UN Christ like to charge that price for a Bible, and some other choice words. At first she could feel the anger build up, but she let Christ's peace cover her, refocused, and wrote her a response. She told her that we were sorry that she feels like that, God bless you. The lady ATTACKED back, she just BLASTED her, Kim was floored. She had to hand the e-mail over to me to respond. I responded with  love, and won her heart.

How do you react when you are attacked? What is your immediate reaction? I would guess for most it would be the defensive, then counter attack.

We are not of this world, we do not fit in. We are visiting here, just a stop before we go HOME....Ahhhh. Since we are not of this world, we ARE going to be misunderstood and attacked. We need to plan for the attack, know that it will happen, plan how you are going to react. Be slow to anger, quick to listen, slow to speak. Just as God placed that lady in my path, He will place people in YOUR path. He knows what you can handle, it. He needs you to keep it together, so YOU can make a difference in that person's life. YOU may be planting a heavenly seed. YOU may have just saved that person's life.

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