Friday, May 3, 2013

Your Will or God's Will?

Your Will vs. GOD'S Will
Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, "Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before me." But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish. So he paid the fare and went on board, to go with them to Tarshish, away from the presence of the LORD. - Jonah 1:1-3

Grace and Peace in Jesus!
I am writing this from a hospital chair at the University of Washington. I am
finishing up the last drops of yet another chemo infusion. The disease that I have, there is no cure for, my doctors guess at what they think will work, but for the most part they do not know. To some of them, my case is hopeless.
BUT, for us that believe in Jesus, NOTHING is hopeless. Where human knowledge stops, GOD's just starts. We always need to remember this! Whatever situation you are in life, however hopeless it may seem, never give up hope. Here is to the HOPE that we have in Jesus! 

All of us have personality traits. Some of these traits you could label as bad, 
but, I believe these bad traits all can be used for good. An example is that a person may be called stubborn. In everyday life being stubborn to your parents, friends,and authorities may not be the best. But, being stubborn for Jesus is a great trait.

One of my traits is that I am impatient, I will push sometimes to get my way. In fact I push Jesus and try and hurry Him up at times. I long to be used by Jesus and in the shadow of His will. If I do not hear from Jesus I get impatient and start to push. I like to make things happen. In the past I have done this, and I know that I have made decisions on my own, they were not Jesus' will.

I am learning to wait upon Jesus and His will and I am much happier. If I did not think that He was not working fast enough in my life I would become very frustrated and angry. I can remember thinking; Jesus where are You, let's go! I want to serve you, tell me, NOW!

One example of this in my life is when we were waiting for GOD to show us what treatment He wanted us to have. We had two options; Enbrel and Retuxin. I personally thought that Enbrel would be best, but this time I left it to the LORD. Kim and I spoke to my doctors about it and left it in GOD's hands. Usually, I would be stressed out and bugging and pushing the doctors. But, we left it in GOD's hands this time.

My doctor called and told us that we did not get the enbrel (The one I wanted) but she said we were still waiting on the Retuxin. She then called and said the Retuxin came through. I could tell that GOD was working because our doctor and the hospital does not work this fast. So, we filled out the paperwork to start the process of the Retuxin. Kim and I also started to do something that we have not done in a long time in our married life, and I do not know why?

We took a part of our evening and went into a quiet room, held hands, and prayed. One would start and just pray what was on our heart, then the other would pray what is on their heart. We would go back and forth like this until we had prayed what Jesus had laid upon our hearts. We started to pray for GOD's will in both of our lives. We pray for confirmations, visions, or dreams. I would strongly encourage anyone who is married or a couple to explore this. We both prayed that if this treatment is not of GOD's will, HE would please stop it.

Well, GOD did not stop it. The process went through, but I was not that excited about it. I really did and do not want this treatment. But, I am much happier leaving it in GOD's hands. I know that He knows what is going on in my life, He cares deeply about me, and He knows what is best for me. Friday morning we had to leave at 5 am for the treatment, and I did not want to go! But, I knew that GOD had not done anything to prevent me from going. As I was having a major attitude about not going, I thought that this was me pushing for my will, and not going with GOD's will.

I do not know how you live your life. We all have responsibilities here on earth that we have to do. Having a job, kids, being married, or going to school. All of these requires your time and at a certain time. But, there are areas in your life that are larger than others, there are decisions that are larger than what you will have for dinner. I am sure that you have faced some of them in your life; changing jobs, marriage, buying a large ticket item, or maybe you are not sure how or what to pray for, life is coming at you from every direction and you do not see the light. These are the areas of your life that you will want GOD's will to be done in your life. You will not know GOD's will if you do not ask and pray for it to be done.  

If you read your Bible you will see examples of men and women who did not want to do GOD's will, GOD would intervene and convince them to proceed with HIS will. JonahMoses, and Saul/Paul to name a few. Then there are others who where doing their own will and not GOD's will, GOD would stop them and turn them around. Balaam and his talking donkey is one of my favorites.

I would encourage you to live your life following Jesus, not leading him. Having the dust of the Rabbi on your clothes from walking behind the Creator of the Universe. I know we humans are impatient, it seems like if GOD does not answer us in a week, we freak out, and think that GOD does not hear us or care, then proceed on our own making a decision. Our decision may be bad and cause us pain that is not needed.

I know that you will be much happier seeking GOD's will by praying, or fasting
Leave the decision in GOD's hand's, let it be His will not yours. I remember in 
one of Paul's letters he told them that if he visited them it would be GOD's will. Then in another letter he told them that he was on the way to visit them, but satan prevented him from coming there. Paul was a man who lived his life day by day in GOD's will. Here is to your happier life in GOD's will.

My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.- 1 Corinthians 16:24 ESV

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