Thursday, May 1, 2014

Jesus The Shepherd

Jesus The Shepherd

If you read the Bible you will come across the words Shepherd and sheep quite a bit. From Genesis to Revelation it appears 302 times in the NIV translation. So what did GOD mean when He uses these words? I wanted to take a look at this analogy for the next two weeks.

In Exodus, Moses asked GOD who should I tell the Pharaoh sent me? GOD replied to Moses, tell him "I AM" sent you. Then in the New Testament Jesus brings the "I am's" to a whole new level, Jesus becomes more specific. In the Gospel of John wefind several "I am's" that Jesus says to be. We are going to be looking at I am The Good Shepherd in John 10.

In the Old Testament the word "Shepherd" was used for someone who took care of God'speople, or someone GOD held accountable to look after His people. Shepherds were not always good, there were poor shepherds as well. King David would be an exampleof a good shepherd verses Jehoash who "Did what was evil in the sight of the Lord."(2 Kings 13:10)

The word sheep in the Bible refers to mankind. "Sheep" represents Believers as well as non-Believers. In John 10:16 Jesus shares with us that He must bring in other sheep that are not in the fold. The other person that Jesus mentions in this passageis the "Hired Hand."

Jesus is our one true Shepherd. He loved us enough that He laid down His own lifejust so you and I could be with Him forever. Here on earth we are going to have contact with other people. To name a few would be pastors, husbands, wives, boyfriend, girlfriend, friends and family members. No one should ever be placed higher than Jesus. All these other relationships are very important here on earth. Jesus madeus to be relational and community. We need each other to survive. But, everyone other than Jesus is human.

You might be saying to yourself; what is the problem in putting my trust in anotherhuman? Or I want to put all my trust into another person. It is wonderful to trust another and we should, but they should never take the place of Jesus. The problemlies that we all are imperfect sinful creatures. We fight fleshly desires all daylong. We all have the capability to hurt each other at sometime or another. Some may be intentional, some may not be intentional, but at one time or another we all are going to hurt someone.

Pastors are some of the hardest. We tend to place them on a pedestal, maybe one step below Jesus. Our pastors should never take the place of Jesus, your focus should always be on the One above. Pastors provide wisdom, knowledge, and insight. Pastorshave extremely tough jobs. But, we need to remember that they are human just like us.

Let me give you an example from my life. I have known 5 pastors in my life. The first one; Cylde McDowell died from a brain tumor. Totally unexpected and at the peak of his career. A very Godly man, very confusing why GOD took him.

The second; stepped down after being addicted to porn for more than 12 years in secret.

The third; when I approached him about being a pastor, he said to me, "Why would anyone want to do this job? My advise is to go into something else?"

The fourth; I consider my spiritual mentor. We are very good friends today and I admire and respect him.

The fifth; started out good, but as time went on Kim and I disagreed with the vision of the church. Not the churches fault or ours. In fact we now realize it was GOD pushing us in a different direction. My point is not to point the faults in these pastors, but to show you how our humanfeelings and their human nature may conflict. Imagine if I put all my hope into the one pastor who told me that I should not pursue being a pastor? I would have been crushed! If my true Shepherd had not been Jesus Christ, it may of caused myfaith to be damaged and maybe to build up resentment for the Church of Jesus Christ.

I know that we have spent time on pastors, but the same holds true to any other human being that you place above Jesus. Jesus Christ needs to be your shepherd. If you need advice about a subject it is great to ask your friend, but do not forget seek advise in His Word and prayer, lots of prayer! Jesus will never leave or forsake you, a true friend until the very end, then a friend that will last an eternity!Amen? His words are timeless and always true.

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf comingand leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them.13 He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.14 I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me,15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. - John 10:10-15 

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