Insight Into Scripture
Good morning! Today, we are going to be reading chapters 25 - 27. We read about three kings; Amaziah, Uzziah, and Jotham. Amaziah and Uzziah started out great, but during their reign both fell to sin against the LORD.Uzziah's offense was a direct violation of priestly prerogatives concerning temple worship (26:16-19)
Bringing the Bible AliveI pray that you have had a safe a fun Memorial Day Weekend so far. This is a picture of The Tower of David located on the western side of the old city. It is the main entrance from the western section to the eastern. In ancient times this section was the north- west corner of the "upper city", and the tower and walls were built to protect this side.
Scripture Verse
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. - John 15:13
Thought for the Day
Today is the day that we observe the men and woman that have paid the ultimate price for our freedom here in the United States of America.
As I am sitting here it is hard for me sometimes to believe that GOD is in control. With the war going on and the shootings that take place, it seems to me like a world that is out of control. But, GOD is in control and HE is sovereign. In fact we are told in the Bible that the events that are happening right now are just birthing pains, there are more unhappy events that are going to take place before Christ will reign and we will be with Him for eternity. Amen to that!
Today, I think that it would be proper to remember those who did fall for our freedom. Let us remember and pray for the families that were and are left behind. Pray for GOD to comfort them.
I would take time to remember and pray for the men and women that are still fighting today. Pray for our leaders and The President, whether you agree with him or not, he is there, because GOD wanted him there. Let us be Jesus here on earth today. If you know of a family that has loved ones serving, call them up or visit them. Try and think of what Jesus would say? What would He do? Be that extension of Jesus' love and caring here on earth.
There was one more thought that came to mind tonight. Let us not forget who paid our price for spiritual freedom; JESUS. He came to earth..... from heaven, fought an intense 3 year battle. Was brutally tortured, then paid the ultimate price for us by dying on the Cross. But, Jesus is bigger than death, so we will see Him again someday. Thank you Jesus!Where ever Jesus may take you today, have a safe and fun Memorial Day! God Bless!
Closing Prayer
Dear JesusI pray the prayer above, I pray that You will meet those people out there and let them feel Your presence and love. Thank You Father for being such a comfort.
I love You and I pray in Your Name, Amen
I hope all have had a nice Memorial Day. I hope that we all took a mooment to say a prayer for all our soldiers and their families.
I also hope that all had plenty of good bar b que and ribs if that is your menue. Here in Alabama bar b que /pork/beef, big slab of ribs, chicken, potaoe salad, baked beans, cole slaw and dessert of your liking (Red Velvet Cake)here.
We had a good day here. I took a walk in the morning with a friend that I have developed a relationship with. He has alot of wisdom..... Plus he speaks Hebrew... :)
Oh wow that is cool bout your friend. We were rather lazy here. Ate plenty though and just spent time with son's family. Daughters and family is in Nashville, Tn. for the Triton Gold fishing tournament. Chad her husband qualified for it several months ago. Say a prayer for fish to come a bitting and they don't have to have a coin in their mouth, just weigh alot. Really this is one of the big time tourneys and he has been in several but has not won one of these yet. I really pray for God to bless Him with a win. His co-angler is his dad this year and I think that is so cool to see them together.
Well I am trying to post the trivia but I keep losing my wireless connection. I will have to wait to send this till it connects again. I have lost it 3 times while posting these few lines.
The palm branch was a symbol of triumph and victory in pre-Christian times. The Romans rewarded champions of the games and celebrated military successes with palm branches. Jews followed a similar tradition of carrying palm branches during festive times.
In reading of customs and traditions of ancient times it can be found how it has been passed down in many different ways through the centuries. Here are two examples found in a Motto:
The motto of the HMS Nelson (battleship of the Royal Navy built between the two World Wars.) and the University of Southern California is "Palmam qui meruit ferat", which means in Latin, "Let him bear the palm who has deserved it".
I liked what Origen (Greek) an early Christian scholar, theologian, and one of the most distinguished of the early fathers of the Christian Church
Origen calls the palm the symbol of victory in that war waged by the spirit against the flesh.
In other parts of the bible as found in (Lev. 23:40 and Revelation 7:9) shows the palm branch was a symbol of triumph and of victory, in Jewish tradition,
I will leave with:
Revelation 7:9 (amplified)
9. After this I looked and a vast host appeared which no one could count, [gathered out] of every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages. These stood before the throne and before the Lamb; they were attired in white robes, with PALM BRANCHEDS in their hands.
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