Sunday, April 14, 2013

Has The Rapture Begun?

Insight Into the Scriptures
As you read these chapters you can get caught up in all the symbolism and imagery, so we will keep it simple. It really is quite interesting when you simplify it.

Chapters 5 & 6 celebrate Christ's glory. John is taken into a vision via the Holy Spirit. In verse 4:4 you will read of the 24 elders; these represent the 12 Old Testament tribes plus the 12 New Testament Disciples, the old and new in one union. As you are reading notice when John uses Christ as a Lamb and as a Lion, see the progression. Christ came as a Lamb a perfect sacrifice in perfect submission to God for our sins and also to conquer death, BUT He returns to earth as a Lion!

Chapter 6 starts the first of three, seven part judgements. The horses John sees are God's judgement on humans and sin. The white horse represents purity and truth, it is a warning for humans to take heed of counterfeit religions, churches and such. The red horse represents of course war and bloodshed, He takes peace and replaces it with violence. The black horse represents world famine, hyper inflation, sky rocketing food prices, a man working a day for a loaf of bread. The pale horse represents pestilence, sickness, and plaques. Notice how all the horses work together. War, lack of money, lack of food, then disease. Only 1/4 of the earth is given to death, 3/4 of the earth can repent!

The earth praises God! When a tree blooms it is praising God, everything that God created is made to praise Him, if we did not the rocks would yell praises to Our Lord. The sixth seal the earth now trembles, it too fears what is happening, in turn man is afraid of what he cannot control, earthquakes, tornados  hurricanes.

As you read Revelation, there can be a lot of arguments when the rapture will take place. Some say that it will happen pre-tribulation, some say post-tribulation. We can become wrapped up into the discussion and miss the meaning of the scriptures. Plus, I know that only One Being knows when the rapture will take place. Our job is to be obedient to Christ and spread His word, and in doing so, Christ tells us that when all have heard the Good Word, He will return. So, if we want the rapture to happen, start spreading the Good News!

Revelation 5:9
And they sang a new song:
"You are worthy to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
because you were slain,
and with your blood you purchased men for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation."

Thought for the Day
You know as I was reading and studying today's passages I could not help but to think, have these judgements begun?

We that live in the US are very sheltered and blessed, our world is very large, we flush the toilet numerous times a day, but there are many people that barely have a glass of pure drinking water, so if you expand your vision to the world, have these judgements begun?

There are wars and more bloodshed, it is increasing. Is there world famine? Yes. Again, step outside your bubble. There are people that are starving, that will work a day for just enough food to feed their family for that day. Is there world disease? Well, yes. Aids is out of control in Africa, cancer?? Is the earth trembling? The weather people call weather patterns El Nino, but is the earth afraid of what is taking place?

This is not meant to scare you, no one knows when these things will take place, or how long. When I read this I envision that it takes place right away, but it could take many years to progress, as far as I have read, it does not give a time table, plus God does not know time.If this does scare you or freak you out, maybe it is the right time to get right with God. It does not scare me, but, almost excites me, it is my promise and my future. I await the return of my King, I CANNOT wait to meet Him, what a day that will be!!!!

Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for Your promise that you watch and care for Your sheep. Lord, we long to see You, but we know there is much work to be done here on earth, please keep my spiritual eyes and ears open to the needs of others.

Jesus, I want to take a moment to remember my brothers and sisters around the world that are suffering in Your name, the ones without food and water, please let them feel Your love and peace. Thank you for providing for me and my family. I love you, it is almost Your birthday, I am so excited to celebrate it with You!
In Your Amazing Name,

Bible Trivia
What does Emmanuel mean?

1 comment:

Pastor Dennis T said...

We, I believe are most certainly in the end times. and whats more, I too think that we will be called to make a choice of the world power or our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Not unlike the Deciple's of Christ many of us will drink from the same cup, and find everlasting Life in him.
So this begs the question, Are you willing to lay your life down for Jesus, Like he has done for you???
I am So ready that I would say in confidence YES I will follow you Lord. Amen? Amen. there has been times in my life I would not have even known what that was to love him so very much. But I'm so very Glad he loves me today and I know him. Gods Blessings To all my Brothers and sisters. Warrior on