Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Joshua 7-8

Insight into Scripture
Mourning practices included tearing one's robe, weeping, putting dust and ashes into one's hair, and wearing sackcloth. Sackcloth was made from goat or camel's hair and was coarse and uncomfortable. (7:6) Hangings back then was not a form of execution. The person was most likely dead. They were hung for final humiliation. (8:29)

Good Morning
The picture to the left is what is left of the city of Ai today. The first time Joshua attacked this city, he did not have the Lord's blessings and lost.The second time Joshua had the Lord's blessing and plans to attack the city. The second time with the Lord's blessing, Joshua attacked and were victorious.

View March's Reading Schedule

Thought for the Day

I was channel surfing the TV last night, when I came to an open discussion with Donald Trump. Towards the end was an open discussion with "The Donald." One student asked him what were the keys to being successful. Donald said that there were 3 basic keys to being successful:

Love What You Do
Know Your Product
Never Quit

You would think that Donald Trump would have a 100 page document on How to be Successful. But know, very simple, easy, and straight forward. As I was getting ready for bed last night, I thought that those same principles apply to your Christian life.

Love What You Do
You should love and be proud that you are a child of God. The whole lifestyle of being a Christian should excite you. You should wake up each day and look forward to what adventure that the Lord has planned for you. I say adventure because if you are a devoted follower of Christ, God will ask you to do some crazy things that do not make sense, it takes pure faith and trust. Just as a good business man LOVES to talk business, your ears should perk up when someone starts to talk about Jesus, and you should do anything to become involved in the conversation.

Know Your Product
If you were to walk into a Best Buy looking to buy a new High Def. TV, and you found a TV sales person, and started asking them questions, you would expect them to know what they were talking about. If they fumbled around with answers and said "Let me get back to you on that question." you would lose faith in the sales person.Christians "Product" is the Bible. We should know that book up and down. We should spend time everyday getting to know that product better. So, if someone who is looking at "Buying" into this religion and starts asking you questions, you will have answers to their questions. Plus, as you start to read the product manual, you start to get to know the owner of that manual you are reading; Jesus!

Never Quit
Let's face it, the Christian life is not easy. That is why our reward in heaven is great. We are living in a society that has values that go against everything we believe. Then add to that, you have an enemy that wants to see you fail, that will do everything is his power to make you fall on your face. So, it is safe to say that we are human, and we are going to make mistakes and sin. Our sin, and our failures should never make us quit or feel discouraged. When you fall down, look to Jesus, grab Jesus' hand, get up, look satan straight in the face, and ask him "Is that the best you can do?" And walk proudly past him in the shadow of Jesus, yes never give up seeking Christ's face.

Closing Prayer
Father thank you for the people You so lovingly put into my life everyday. Father I pray that I can make a difference for Your kingdom. I pray that I know where to move with You and what to say. I pray for strength to stand up for what I believe and never be afraid of being considered "weird" for believing it. I pray that I see and feel the movement that I know surrounds me everyday. I hope You have a good day today Father. I love You!!
In Your Grip,

Bible Trivia
Who was Achan, what sin did he commit, what was his punishment?

Hint: Joshua 7:19-26


  1. oh ok trying to be a wise guy....

    1) Achan was guilty of taking the spoils of Jericho, they had been told explicitly not to.

    2) Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the TRIBE OF JUDAH. Due to his disobedience the whole nation of Israel suffered.

    3) He was stoned to death in the Valley of Achor

    ACHAN - means one who troubles or uncertain

    He was found guilty of taking of the accursed thing, gold and silver (joshua 6:18-17)that they had been told not to when the walls of Jericho came down. Lots were cast and they fell on him.....

    Jericho was the first fruits. God always has claimed the first fruits as His own.

    JOSHUA 7:19-21 NKJ
    19) So Joshua said to Achan, "My son, I beg you, give glory to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession to Him, and tell me now what you have done; do not hide it from me."

    20) And Achan answered Joshua and said, "Indeed I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel, and this is what I have done:

    21) "When I saw among the spoils a beautiful Babylonian garment, two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold weighing fifty shekels, I coveted them and took them. And there they are, hidden in the earth in the midst of my tent, with the silver under it."

    Achan could not hide his sin from God. He was found out and confessed to his sin. His sin was disobedience to a clear, known command of God.

    He was stoned to death in the valley Achor (meaning also trouble). Not only was he stoned to death but all that belonged to him were then consumed by fire, and a heap of stones was raised over the ashes.

    Achan was the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah.

    Achan went his own way -- instead of God's way.

    His sin was disobedience.

    He tried a different way than God had instructed. He followed his own plan instead of following God's plan.

    He took what God said was His.

    He tried to live a double life. He was a hypocrite.

    Mankind comes up with many plans. But unless they are God's plan, they WILL SURELY FAIL. It may seem right to us, but we are not God. We should remember that.


    Israel disobeyed God. You have to think more highly of yourself than you should, to disobey God willingly. Actually, you are saying by your actions that you KNOW BETTER THAN GOD (not). That is PRIDE.

    Even Joshua can be shown guilty of PRIDE: Joshua, thrilled with the easy victory over Jericho, listened to the people's advice about Ai. They thought it was so small there was no need to bother taking the whole army.

    They advised Joshua to send only two or three thousand men. SCRIPTURES NEVER MENTIONS Joshua ASKING the Lord what they should do.


    Innocent men died in battle, because of Achan's sin. What one did affected others, as it always does.
    1CORINTHIANS 12:26-27 NKJ

    God's remedy was not a light one. He let them know that His blessing could not be with them while they had sin in their camp. God said the offending one had to be eliminated. Achan could not hide his sin from God. He was found out and confessed to his sin. His sin was disobedience to a clear, known command of God.

    The root causes of Achan's sin were probably greed, pride, and unbelief.

    Pride, because he thought his way was better than God's way.

    Greed, because he wanted what God said he should not have.

    Unbelief (or fear), because he thought God might not really bless him in the future, so he should keep what he had now, just in case.

    In the end it did not profit Achan. Neither will disobedience to God's Word profit you. Maybe it will temporarily -- but not in the end.


    hA HA ha maybe not enough time tomorrow morning but did tonight and boy I loved this trivia and I did it before read devotion. Saving till in the morn to start my day....

    Continue on in this and Thanks for the time you put in this. I hope others that are reading are enjoying this as much as I do ....

  2. Hmmm.... very good. But.... What does the Valley of Achor means?

  3. ok just who do you think your messing with..... You not got me today or last night..... COUNT 33 LINES DOWN and see if that will answere your question. Back in at 7:15central. Ok just in case you can't find it I will copy and paste:

    He was stoned to death in the valley Achor (meaning also trouble).

    Ok I better hear something back from you, buddy.

    I had a great day at the dress rehersal with the grand-daughter. It was long started at 8 and ended at 4. I would tell you the play but it is one that was written by the drama instructor and not known but it is good "secular" though. With a little revision could turn into a Christian Play.

    Well look at tomorrows after supper. Hope all have had a blessed day.

    We have another Pageant Saturday, and a new experience it is being held outside so pray for pretty weather. The grand daughter will be wearing a new dress and it is blinggy blinggy and she is in love with it .

    Ecc. 3

  4. OK OK OK..... I would like to hear your commesnts on Fridays.... :)
    I hope you had a good supper, we are just about to sit down and have ours.

  5. ok, I hope all is well in the beautiful state of Washington.

    I am back from the last pageant, for a few weeks. The little actress had hear curtain call last night after 3 crulling performances and it was topped off with her being crowned the 1st annual young ms. green tree. this afternoon.

    Well thought I would give ya'll the low down on the past two days.

    I said I hope all is well cause I don't see nothing posted from you Jim. Let us know that all is or is not well. I Keep you in Prayers as Lord leads.


  6. Hi Donna,
    All is good here, we are packing up right now. We close on the house next week and we have to move April 2nd. So we are BUSY. It if fun. I am going to post another post, it is what has been on my heart.
