Thursday, March 15, 2007

Joshua 9-10

Insight into Scripture
The city of Gibeon is usually identified with modern day el-Jib. (9:3)The word ruse means to deceive, dishonest. (9:4)Woodcutters and watercarries were needed for the constant sacrificial fires and purifying rituals. (9:26) The Book of Jashar is an ancient book of poetic accounts of heroic deeds, it also appears in 2 Sam 1:18. (10:13)

Good Morning
To the left is a picture of Gibeon as it looks today. This is the city that played a trick on Joshua, so they would always be under the protection of Israel. Most of the pictures I use are from It is a nice website to have saved, as you are reading a story in the Bible, you can search their web site and see the real picture of the story you are reading about.

View March's Reading Schedule

Scripture Reading
9 So Joshua came upon them suddenly, having marched up all night from Gilgal. 10 And the LORD threw them into a panic before Israel, who struck them with a great blow at Gibeon and chased them by the way of the ascent of Beth-horon and struck them as far as Azekah and Makkedah. 11 And as they fled before Israel, while they were going down the ascent of Beth-horon, the LORD threw down large stones from heaven on them as far as Azekah, and they died. There were more who died because of the hailstones than the sons of Israel killed with the sword. - Joshua 9:11

Thought of the Day
The Book of Joshua is a wonderful book about a wise military strategist; Joshua. The book of Joshua also shows us that if we wait upon the Lord, and keep His commands, HE will fight our battles.
Our Christian life is a spiritual battle. There are forces that we can't see raging around us. As you read the Book of Joshua, take notes of how a wise man; Joshua, fights his battles. There are two examples for today's reading that are worth noting.
The Gibeonite's deceived Joshua. Joshua was told by God not to make any treaties with anyone of the land. (Exodus 23:32; Numbers 33:55) The reason that they were deceived is that they did not wait upon the Lord, which, lead to an awkward alliance.In life, you are going to have people try and deceive you. We can learn from Joshua's mistake.
First, wait upon the Lord. If you are unsure if that person is trying to play a trick on you, pray about it.
Second, do not rush into a decision. Time usually is on your side. If time is not on your side, meaning someone is trying to push you into a decision RIGHT AWAY and does not give you any time to think about it. I would be VERY cautious. Joshua and the men of Israel jumped into a decision (9:12-15) I am sure that if they would have waited, they would have seen through the Gibeonite's tricks.
The other example is how God fights your battles. If you wait upon the Lord, and keep His commands, you have an UNSTOPPABLE force on your side. In verses 10:9-11 we read about how God confused Joshua's enemies, plus, when they started to out run Joshua's army, God "Hurled large hailstones" on them. In fact more died from the hailstones then Joshua's sword. So, next time you are going into battle, remember God is there fighting with you, so rely on Him, and use Him.

Closing Prayer
Father thank You for this day and the many faces that I saw with Your name on them. Father I pray for the children that are hungry, tired and living in terrible conditions. I pray for their little hearts and bodies, I pray that they will come to know You. And Father I pray for us , Your little children, I pray that we stay focused on You and know that our battles are Your battles and that Your defeat is our defeat. I pray for those that have many questions about You today Father that they will find the answers.
I love You and I pray
In Your Name,

Bible Trivia
What celestial feat did Joshua ask God to perform?
Hint: Joshua 10:12-14

1 comment:

  1. What celestial feat did Joshua ask God to perform?


    Joshua 10:12-14
    12)...The Sun stood still over Gibeon; and the Moon over in the valley of Ajalon.

    13)And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed,

    Kim and Jim This story has so much in it that one can go into a history study on the Jewish days and how long actually the sun stood still. There are historical facts recorded by Chinese of them seeing a day like this that is interesting. There is even and modern interesting study from the 60's where it is reported that NASA has discovered a day missing. I don't think you want a whole book written at this time. Of course I feel you know all of the above I mentioned and. I don't want to take advantage of your space and come across as something I am not. I just love to study and have for a long time. Who knows, the days of use needing to study could be short..HIS return is nigh....but until, I won't to:
    (study to show thyself approved 2Tim. 2:15).

    with hope that I could find Deut.17:19 evident in my life and my families:
    19)...shall read therein all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear the LORD his God...

    20 That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn not aside from the commandment,
    te end that he may prolong his days .... ......, he, and his children,

    there are two words meaning that are pertinent to this:
    Gibeon ("a hill")

    Ajalon ("stags")

    Gibeon was now at the back of the Israelites, and the height would soon have intercepted the rays of the setting sun. The valley of Ajalon was before them, and so near that it was sometimes called "the valley of Gibeon" (Isaiah 28:21). It would seem, from Joshua 10:14, that the command of Joshua was in reality a prayer to God for the performance of this miracle; and that, although the prayers of eminently good men like Moses often prevailed with God, never was there on any other occasion so astonishing a display of divine power made in behalf of His people, as in answer to the prayer of(Joshua 10:14)is the end of the quotation from Jasher; and it is necessary to notice, as the fact described,recorded by the historian (Joshua 10:43)

    Even though this exact miracle does not happen again it always causes me to think of the day that the earth went dark and stayed dark for 3 hours (completion) Luke 23:44.

    One last thought on the LIGHT of the day for the battle of Israel....Who else is known as the light of this world? And if we POSESS this Light our battles should be His and His alone. All of our faith and trust should be in Him as Joshua's was.

    Ok I hope this is coherent typing fast and loving it

    Ecc. 3

    Wish these things had word spell ha ha ha forgive I try to look up some but I know I miss some. ha ha ha ..
