Wednesday, April 18, 2007

2 Samuel 21-22

Insight Into Scripture
Famine or plagues was often looked upon as a sign of divine disapproval or wrath. (21:1)The Philistine's spear weighed 300 shekels which is equivalent to 7 1/2 lbs. Half the weight of Goliath's. (21:16)
Deformities were the object of intense curiosity and speculation in the ancient world.
(21:20-22)The next four chapters are an appendix to the book. They are not presented in any chronological order.The story in chapter 21 happened at our present time. Barley harvest was late April. Today, represents the month of Lyyar in the Jewish Calendar.

This is a picture of Gath. It was the Philistine city where David's brother; Shimeah, killed a "Huge man" with 6 fingers and 6 toes. This is also the famous site where David struck down Goliath.I have often thought when one of the writers of the Bible made light of a certain feature of a person, it must have made an impression on them.
These photos are taken from Bibleplac

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Scripture Reading
28 "And now, O Lord GOD, you are God, and your words are true, and you have promised this good thing to your servant. 29 Now therefore may it please you to bless the house of your servant, so that it may continue forever before you. For you, O Lord GOD, have spoken, and with your blessing shall the house of your servant be blessed forever." - 2 Samuel 7:28- 29 ESV

Thought for the Day
I really enjoy studying the profiles of great Biblical Characters. It helps me realize that these "Great" men and women of the Bible were just as human as you and I. They made their mistakes and successes and the Bible makes no effort to hide them. I find by looking at their personalities it gives me hope. As we are getting ready to close with Samuel, I have put together a couple of notes for King David.
When I think of King David, I think of a man who loved YAHWEH with all of his heart. He was a great leader full of grace, mercy, and the peace that can only be found of a life in YAHWEH.
Weakness and Mistakes:
Committed Adultery
Committed Murder by Arranging the Death of Uriah
Disobeyed God in taking a Census of the People (Coming chapters)Weak Father, He Did Not Take Care of His Children's Problems
Strengths and Success:
Greatest King of Israel
Christ's Ancestor
Described as a Man after GOD's own Heart (Acts 13:22)
Life Lessons:
David had a willingness to admit when he had sinned. He did not try and hide, deny, or try to scapegoat out of the sin. Even when Nathan called David on his sin, David was quick to admit it, and to ask forgiveness from YAHWEH. He was also sincere when asking for forgiveness.
Sin, and forgiveness of sin does not exclude the consequences. When David sinned even though he was "A man after GOD's own heart" and was sincere about his sin, David still had to deal with the consequences of his disobedience.
I know that YAHWEH loves and desires our worship and trust. Many times David's life hung in the balance. I am sure at times the only thing that he could rely on was YAHWEH and HIS deliverance. David also worshiped YAHWEH with all of his heart. Nothing stood in between he and YAHWEH. Remember when he was talking to Michal, he told her that he would even be more foolish for YAHWEH. 6:16-23)

Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus
God is good, all the time. Thank You Father for this day, for my Divine appointments and the beauty of my family around me. I pray that I can learn from my consequences, that I can have a deeper heart for You everyday and that I can learn to be less sinful. Father I know that I am not or ever will be perfect, but I want to be more like You and less like me.
I love You Jesus, and I pray in Your heavenly Name,

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  1. It's Spring... and I start to thinking about growing things and planting a garden, how bout you.

    Well a few years ago this parden was sent to me and I loved it so much that I wanted to share it every year with my friends.

    How To Plant Your Garden

    First, you Come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses....



    1. Peace of mind
    2. Peace of heart
    3. Peace of soul


    1. Squash gossip
    2. Squash indifference
    3. Squash grumbling
    4. Squash selfishness


    1. Lettuce be faithful
    2. Lettuce be kind
    3. Lettuce be patient
    4. Lettuce really love one another


    1. Turnip for meetings
    2. Turnip for service
    3. Turnip to help one another


    1. Thyme for each other
    2. Thyme for family
    3. Thyme for friends




  2. Bible Trivia
    How did Pilate's wife describe Jesus?

    just / rightous man ( depending upon the version you read )

    (Matthew 27:17-19)
    17- Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?

    18- For he knew that for envy they had delivered him.

    19- When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.

    It is important to see that Pilate even being a pagan, receives a just and true warning. This warning coming through his wife you might think he might would heed. We can see just as Judas was warned by the Lord, God gave Pilate his warning also.


    In her one "claim to fame" verse, we see the a true hearted woman. "Have nothing to do with that righteous, innocent man, for today I have suffered a great deal because of a dream about him."

    Even being Pilates wife she was taking great liberty in approaching him about this. Claudia was a woman of courage and compassion.

    Something in her dream about Jesus, carried into the consciousness of her waking, and it made her suffer. She had a conflict in her mind and spirit. She was convicted.

    That happens to many of us today, and yet we often don't have the courage, as she did, to speak out, speak up, especially for another person. It's not easy to speak up when we know the possible consequences. I truly think most would take a stand for another person, and speak out in their favor if there were not possible severe consequences.

    Claudia most certainly KNEW she was taking a chance. Pilate was a violent man. He is well known in history for being brutal, for putting to death many people for the least of rebelliousness. Pilate most certainly could have been abusive to Claudia, if she went against him. Sending a message to him in the public eye, telling him what to do, could have enraged him against her.

    But Claudia had courage, born of her compassion, born of her being convicted through a dream that made her suffer in her awakened mind and spirit.

    As we've seen, her act of speaking out was one that we all need to pay attention to, one that points to our having courage to speak out when God convicts us to do so, especially to help another person.

    If the results are not that which we think they should be, what matters is that our relationship to and with God remains a righteous one.

    The results of anything God asks us to do are not in our hands, but God's. As with Claudia, when God speaks to us, and convicts us of a particular matter, we must speak out. That is what is important.

    One last thing: Claudia speaks, or sends word to Pilate when he is on the "judgment seat. Pilate could have heeded the dream and released Jesus. His fear of losing face with the people and other officials he would not do that which was right before God.

    If we ever find ourselves sitting in judgement listen to what God is saying: God will always say to us, "Get off the judgment seat! Leave the judging to ME because we are not called to judge."

    I can say one thing for myself God will never have to tell me to get off the judgement seat, I know that I would foul that one up, There are things in my life that God has shown Grace to me and I know I probably would not have to others or even myself.


  3. I am going to have to get started on my garden! :)
