Monday, May 14, 2007

1 Chronicles 11-13

Are You Prepared? - 1 Chronicles 11-13
Insight Into Scripture
Today we start with David capturing Jerusalem, then chapter 12 goes deeper into the men that fought by David's side. David must have been an amazing leader to have all those men dedicate themselves to him.
Then in chapter 13 David brings back the Ark from Kiriath Jearim, a place where it rested 20 years. - Thanks Donna :-) - this is where Uzzah dies when he tried to save the Ark from falling. The Bible states that David was angry; I can imagine he was, he was trying to do the right thing and this happened.
Left-handedness was not accepted in the ancient world, it was generally associated with evil or demons. But in battle, it was an advantage (12:2)

Bringing the Bible Alive
This photo is of Kiriath Jearim. In chapter 13 David attempts to move the Ark from Abinadab's house. The Ark rested here for 20 years (1 Sam 7). Kiriath Jearim was known for being the center of Baal Worship. When Uzzah was killed by trying to save the Ark, it rested in Obed-Edom. It remained there 3 months, while it was there YAHWEH blessed his house. This photo is taken from

Scripture Reading
David Takes Jerusalem 4 And David and all Israel went to Jerusalem, that is Jebus, where the Jebusites were, the inhabitants of the land. 5 The inhabitants of Jebus said to David, "You will not come in here." Nevertheless, David took the stronghold of Zion, that is, the city of David. - 1 Chronicles 11:4-5

Thought for the Day
This portion of scripture intrigued me. There is not much said other than after David was anointed king, he then takes over Jerusalem. So, I did a little research. (When you are reading the Bible, always ask WHY)
Jerusalem or Yrusalaim / Yruslem means foundation of shalem or peace. Now it is starting to make more sense. Before David could take on the world and all of the troubles that were in it, he needed a place of peace. He needed a place that he could feel safe, a place where he could connect with YAHWEH and discover who this being was that was pursuing him.
Now let's bridge that part of scripture to our modern day. Do you have a Yrusalaim? Do you have a safe place in your world, a place of peace? A place that you can meet with Jesus one on one?
Our world comes at us 24/7. Some days I feel that I am attacked from all sides, I strive to be Jesus with skin, but, the world is mean and unforgiving sometimes. If I did not have my Yrusalaim than I could go and pour my heart out.... sometimes yell...... sometimes cry....... sometimes overwhelmed with joy..... whatever the feeling, I always end up with peace. It is a place where I can fill up on Jesus.
Where is your Jerusalem?

Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus
Thank You Father for this day, thank You for the time we get to have together. Father I pray that I seek for time with You everyday, that I remember that You are always available for me to lean on. Thank You for loving me that much.
I love You Father, In Jesus name,


  1. Bible Trivia:
    What transportation disaster befell the apostle Paul as he was traveling to Rome to stand trial before Caesar?


  2. Oh, Just to let you know that I was reading some of the preveous post and I just saw where you asked how my weekend went, the week-end of 5-7. That was the week-end right slap in the middle of sons tooth infection and his wife's minor surgery and a mygraine for me and horse show. Oh you asked how that week-end was :0 ha ha.... Well plenty of ribbons were taken from the show. First was taken by Shelby in costume lead line. Jessie is getting a little to over confident on the barrels and she took one down in each event but she had a fast enough time that she still placed in a couple so she took home 3 or 4 in 3 or 4th place maybe one second. This past week-end we got the tipping barrels resolved and she did well against faster kids that have been running lots longer.... at this saddle club we took a break from the costume lead line and it was needed by me.....

    This week-end we will be at our home saddle club and will be doing all events that the kids can do from costume lead line to pony barrels by both then clover leaf and open and youth barrels, arena race, poles and I think she is going to add walk trot this week .

    Prayers over the events are welcomed safety for all riders and horses.... and energy for agranny3, maybe to lose weight and energy will be there another funny ha ha :(


  3. Kim and I will be praying for you guys. :)
