Sunday, May 13, 2007

1 Chronicles 8-10

Are You Prepared? - 1 Chronicles 8-10
Insight Into Scripture
Now that we have finished reading the genealogy that started with Adam and ends with King David, the rest of 1 Chronicles takes an in depth, spiritual look at King David. GOD has devoted such a large portion of the Bible to King David, I know there is alot that we can learn from his life.

Bringing the Bible Alive
This is a picture of Mount Gilboa. This is where King Saul and his sons where found dead from battle. Mount Gilboa is not a single mountain, but a barren ridge rising to a high point of 1,700 feet, separating the Harod Valley from the plain of Jezreel, it lies about 7 miles west of the Jordan River. Click in the picture to see more photos. This photo is taken from

Scripture Reading
28 Some of them had charge of the utensils of service, for they were required to count them when they were brought in and taken out. 29 Others of them were appointed over the furniture and over all the holy utensils, also over the fine flour, the wine, the oil, the incense, and the spices. 30 Others, of the sons of the priests, prepared the mixing of the spices, 31 and Mattithiah, one of the Levites, the firstborn of Shallum the Korahite, was entrusted with making the flat cakes. 32 Also some of their kinsmen of the Kohathites had charge of the showbread, to prepare it every Sabbath. 33 Now these, the singers, the heads of fathers' houses of the Levites, were in the chambers of the temple free from other service, for they were on duty day and night. - 1 Chronicles 9:28-33 ESV

Thought for the Day
It is Monday morning, the day after The Sabbath, how are you feeling? Did church reset your spiritual tank, or are you feeling just as empty and stressed out as Friday? Maybe we should back up for a minute, I would hope that you are attending church regularly. Besides the fact that it should refresh and fill you up, it is a great place for community.

As I was reading chapter 9 I could not help to think how much preparation went into The LORD's Tabernacle. The priest and Levites put a great deal of time and care into worship. From more details on their tasks you can read Leviticus 1-9. GOD intends our worship to be taken seriously. Just think about it, this is the one day, out the six others that we can come and meet with Our Creator for maybe an hour or two. That is not much time dedicated to the one we are going to spend eternity with.
Where is your heart and mind when you are at church? Are you focused on worshipping HIM? Or are you thinking about all the tasks that you have to get done when you get home? Did you rush to get the kids up, fed, and rushed out the door, when you get to church you are totally stressed out. Or have you prepared your heart and mind before you entered the doors.
We spend so much time on ourselves, doing the things that we want or need to do. When we do have time to spend with Christ I pray that we take it seriously and that we can really focus on HIM and take the time to give thanks for all the Blessings He has given us and the sacrifices He has made. The next time you attend church I would encourage you to examine where your heart and your head is. - Have a Blessed Day! Talk to you tomorrow.

Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus
Good morning Father, I pray that You had a restful Sabbath. I thank You father for the time I get to share with You, the fellowship and the family time. I pray Father for those that do not get to experience that unconditional love, I pray that someone will step into their lives and teach them about You. I pray father that You will send someone to me today that I may help see You, give me the words Father and the courage to do so. To know Your love is the most amazing thing, thank You for that.
I love you and I pray in Your great name,

Bible Trivia
What women lay at the feet of Boaz in a threshing floor - initiating a relationship that culminated in marriage?
Hint: Ruth 3:7-9

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Tuesday's Reading - 1 Chronicles 11-13
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  1. I think it funny that I was going to post a comment with meaning of David, since I had meant to end with the end of genealogy with David since I started with the first. Then you open devotion with a statement on David. I believe the meaning of David's name is probably one of the best know by more people than probably most other names:

    David - BELOVED

    Why beloved, look at his life starting as a young shepherd boy that kills a giant to becoming intimate friends with Saul's son, Jonathan, and eventually succeeds Saul as king. Under David's rule (circa 1010 to 970 B.C.), Israel's regions unite and win battles with surrounding enemies. Jerusalem comes to be known as the "City of David" and the center of government and worship. David's turbulent personal life includes adultery with a soldier's wife, Bathsheba, and the death of his own rebel son, Absalom. Before he dies he anoints another son, Solomon, the next king. David's lineage holds an honored place in two religions: Judaism, which awaits the coming of the "Messiah, son of David," and Christianity, whose scriptures trace Jesus's Davidic ancestry.

    Many prayers and songs in the biblical book of Psalms have headings that associate them with David.

    One other interesting fact: David is so important to the History you even find him in the Koran: listed as a prophet (Sura 6), noting in Sura 38 his repentance for his sin with Bathsheba...
    (let me note I am not giving any spiritual significance to the Koran just historical fact.)

    The Bible idealizes David as a warrior, statesman, loyal friend, and gifted poet, yet it does not fail to mention his faults and moral lapses. At one time David callously plotted the death in battle of one of his officers, Uriah the Hittite, so that he could marry Uriah's beautiful wife, Bathsheba. For this he was denounced by the prophet Nathan, and, recognizing that he had committed a great moral wrong, the King fasted and prayed in repentance.

    Well as the Devotion says you can go on and on about King David so I will stop here and save some for future use....

  2. Ok here you go again bringing up my two favorite women that always opens something up in my life.

    Bible Trivia:
    What woman lay at the feet of Boaz in a threshing floor - initiating a relationship that culminated in marriage?

    ANSWER: Ruth

    Ruth 3:7-9

  3. I know.... heh heh heh - That is why I choose that one.

  4. you DIRTY Raaaat LOL :)

    Well I have a feeling sometime tonight in a quiet time God will speak something to me......
