Friday, March 29, 2013

Do You Feel Trapped?

Have you ever felt trapped in life by some the past decisions that you have made? And I am not speaking about a little pressure or stress, but if your situation does not change you are not sure you are going to make it? That is how I have felt for the past 6 months. 

Let me give you a little history of how I came to this predicament. Kim and I move to Ocean Shores, Washington in 2007. We could see Gods hand in everything we did in moving here. There were situations that should have not  worked out, but did. Have you ever experienced this? It truly is amazing. I have felt God move, I mean MOVE twice in my life. Once when I Kim and I needed to get out of bad situation in Boise. And the second was when we moved to Ocean Shores.

We decided not to move for our son. We did not want to disrupt him with high school, his friends  and social life. But Tyler had different plans, he ran away from home when he was 16, then in December he took his life. Since Tyler took his life it has taken our feelings of being trapped to the ninth degree. There are a lot of bad memories here. We have put the house up for sale twice...... nothing happened, not one showing.  We pray constantly to God, we ask Him to take our impossible situation, possible.

When I look to the Bible for guidance I love the story of Gideon. You remember the story of how God wanted everyone to know it was Him that won the battle and not Gideon. Gideon started out with 33,000 men to fight, but God whittled it down to 300... 300 men! Lord I need my Gideon moment. 

So here I am God. I am putting the house up for sale once again. I know all the truths... bad economy, my house is overpriced, we do not a lot of money. But I need you to move in my life once again, I want everyone to know that it was you who did this and not me. If you do not move I do not know if I am going to make it. I am taking a leap of faith, closing my eyes, and praying that you are going to catch me in my free fall. I love you and will never turn my back on you. So here I go Lord and I jumping.........

Have you ever felt very trapped in life? Please share what your situation was and what did you do?

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