Monday, May 20, 2013

Do One Selfless Act of Love Today

2 John was written the same time as 1 John. It is written to "The chosen lady and her children." It is a short personal letter from John to his friend in a church that he might of been overseeing.

Today we read 2 John, and if you blink you might miss it. It is almost like a "Post it Note" scripture.

As I read this short book, I could not help think why did God put this book in the Bible in this context? Why did He not put this into 1 John as another chapter, after all it has the same theme as 1 John? Everything that God does is for a reason, so when I see a book like 2 John it is easy to skip over it or read it fast, but we need to ask ourselves, what does God want me to learn, what is He telling me?

2 John 1:5-6
"And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love."

Thought for the Day
I know that we have talked about love quite a bit, but God has put it in His Word over and over and over again. It starts in the Old Testament and continues through into the New Testament. God really wants us to understand and live this. It is the core of our Christian beliefs, it is what we stand for and what will separate us from everyone else.

We have talked about what it means to love, and how to show our brothers and sisters love when they are hurtful. But, now let's talk about taking a proactive stand with love. Instead of waiting for us to love someone, we need to do at least one selfless act of love each day.

Our family at the dinner table will talk about our day. It is amazing the conversations you will have with each other and your children when you all sit down for dinner at the same time, with the television off. Anyway, during our time we will tell each other one act of love that we did for someone else. It really helps you reflect on your day. It is a time for encouraging each other and helping each other. Yes, even the "Head of the Table" can use some helpful hints.

Today I would encourage you to see if you commit an act of selfless love. At the end of the day, if you can not think of one act, maybe you need a reminder halfway through the day to be on the lookout for an opportunity.

Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus,
I pray that today You would present me an oppourtunity to show Your love to another person. Help me not get so wrapped up in the day's events so that I miss a God moment.

I pray for all the lost souls that have never seen or experienced Your love. Help somebody to come into that person's life before it is to late. Please be with me today. I love You.
In Your amazing name,

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