Monday, May 20, 2013

It Can Wait Arrive Alive Don't Text & Drive

Texting while driving is now the leading cause of death for teen drivers. Texting and driving has become a greater hazard than drinking and driving.

The number of teens who are dying or being injured as a result of texting while driving has skyrocketed as mobile device technology has advanced. Researchers at Cohen Children's Medical Center in New Hyde Park estimate more than 3,000 annual teen deaths nationwide from texting and 300,000 injuries. Read Article.

In 2011 at least 23% of auto collisions involved cell phones (that is 1.3 millions crashes). 

5 Seconds is the minimal amount of time your attention is taken away from the road when you're texting and driving. (If your driving 55 MPH this equals driving the length ofg a football field without looking at the road).

Text message makes a crash up to 23X more likely. Other activities that increase risk of crash: Dialing 2.8X more risk; Talking or listening 1.3X more risk; Reaching for a device 1.4X more risk.

13% of drives age 18 to 20 involved in car wrecks admitted to texting or talking on their mobile devices at the time of he crash.

1 in 5 drivers of all ages confess to surfing the web while driving. Read more of these staggering facts.

Gods411 has just received these wonderful reminders for people of all ages to: Arrive Alive.... Don't Text and Drive. If you are an eBay shopper we carry them also. 

Arrive Alive... Don't Text and Drive has a Guardian Angel holding a banner. These reminders are made from pewter and measure 1.5" x 2". They fit to your visor with a standard spring clip. We also carry more visor clips with Guardian Angels, view more

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