Thursday, December 28, 2006

Revelation 17-19

Insight Into the Scriptures
As we wind down with the judgements on the Earth and mankind, we start to look forward to Christ's return in chapter 19. The woman on the beast described in Chapter 17 is most likely a religious system or organization. Chapter 18 describes the fall of
Babylon, and along with the fall will be a catastrophic economic fall.

View January's Reading Schedule

I have posted the readings for January. I have thought and prayed about where to go this next year. I really believe that everyone should be in the Bible as a minimum. If you have extra time and you feel that you should do another study that is wonderful. But, I believe that you need to spend one on one time with Christ reading His word, and letting the Holy Spirit speak to you.
I know that I am excited to start back into Genesis again, I have grown and matured and I am excited to know Christ will reveal new, amazing things to me.

Revelation 17:17 - NIV
"For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish His purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule, until God's words are fulfilled."

Sometimes I look at the world, or better yet, I look at my life and I have to say, I have questioned how God could be in control?
Our family went through a life changing disease. It was something so rare, medically, I should not have this disease. During the storm of the disease I can't tell you how many times I yelled at God, and asked Him "Who is in control?" satan is having a hayday seeing me depressed to the point of suicide, my family torn apart, me losing my job, and that was just the tip of the iceburg.
God is in control always, during the good times and bad times. No matter what happens we must trust that God is in charge, and everything evil or bad that happens, God overrules it and uses it for His glory.

Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus, I look at what is happening around the world and some of the events in my life and I do not understand it all. Please forgive me for my weak human fallings. Lord, I do believe that You are in control of everything and I ask that You will give the strength to give it to You so that I can focus on our relationship.
I love You Jesus, I ask that Your spirit would be with me today, teach me, and guide me. I am Yours, Jesus!
In Your Amazing Name,

Bible Trivia
What was Jesus doing in a boat immediately before calming a storm that terrified His disciples?