Tamed Tongue - Job 30-33
Insight Into Scripture
Good Morning! Today, we start with chapter 30, which is the middle of Job's speech that started in chapter 29.
We asked the question, how long Job had suffered, in chapter 30 it states twice (16, 27) that it has been "Days" of suffering.
I would recommend reading chapter 31, especially if you are a male. Job makes some great statements in verses 1& 9-12 about staying pure.
In chapter 32 we meet Elihu, he is a younger man that lacks wisdom and it shows. The Bible reads like Elihu had been there, listening to the debate of Job and his friends, when he could not take it anymore. He launches into a very angered, long, speech that is very arrogant. Elihu's speech lasts 6 chapters.
Bringing the Bible Alive
In chapter 32 Elihu speaks and even though it is a winded speech, I would encourage you to read it. When you are reading it examine yourself, and see if you have ever felt like Elihu when you have been speaking to someone. This weekend we finish with "The speeches" and move into one of my favorite parts of the Bible; GOD speaks. Job is such a neat book as it starts out with this severe suffering of a man, debates why suffering happens, then finishes with the majesty and glory of The ALMIGHTY. Please join me as we take a look at those chapters Monday morning.
1 So these three men ceased to answer Job, because he was righteous in his own eyes. 2 Then Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, burned with anger. He burned with anger at Job because he justified himself rather than God. 3 He burned with anger also at Job's three friends because they had found no answer, although they had declared Job to be in the wrong. 4 Now Elihu had waited to speak to Job because they were older than he. 5 And when Elihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of these three men, he burned with anger. - Job 32:1-5
Thought For the Day
I am sure that you have heard the Bible speak of our evil tongues. The book of James calls our tongues restless evil, full of deadly poison. It goes on to say that with the same tongue we praise GOD and curse men James 3:7-10 James tell us that it can not be tamed, but, can it be controlled?
Let's take a look at a good example of a tongue that is untamed; Elihu. Elihu blew it from the beginning, he spoke out of anger. At the beginning of his speech in chapter 32, it says 3 times that the reason he spoke was out of anger. Anger is the wrong motive to speak to anyone. We should speak out of love, our motive should be love, if it is any other reason, it should not be spoken.
My father-in-law always told me, when dealing with people, use your anger, do not lose your anger. At first it did not make sense, but, then as I grew in the LORD it started to make sense. When I was angry and spoke out of anger, my emotions were on a roller coaster. I said things I did not mean, and sometimes wish I could have taken them back. I then started to use my anger, I may have been upset at a situation, but, I always kept my thoughts and emotions in control. By doing that, the situation always came out better. If you are wanting to tell someone something and you are angry, it is the wrong time. Take a break, cool off, gather your thoughts, approach that person with love. You will be so much more effective.
The other reason that Elihu spoke was for himself. In Job 32:20 he says that he MUST speak and find relief. First off, you never HAVE to speak, in fact I believe that some things are better off left unsaid. Second, if you are going to speak to hear yourself talk, it is the wrong reason, do not do it. Your motives should be pure and filled with love that will build up the person you are speaking to.
In closing, if you do speak to someone, always tell the truth. Elihu was very arrogant when he spoke, to the point of speaking on GOD's behalf. See Job 33:3-4 & Job 36:1-2 . Elihu could not be farther from the truth, he was not speaking on GOD's behalf, and when GOD did speak, I am sure he was ashamed and the others could see how foolish he was. Always speak the truth.
We know that the tongue can not be tamed, but I believe we can control it. If you can't approach that person in love with the motives of building up, then I would question whether it needs to be said. There are going to be times where you do make mistakes. If you do, be quick to ask for forgiveness. Have a blessed weekend, hope to see you Monday. - Jim
Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus
Thank You Father for forgiveness, as hard as it is sometimes. I pray Father that You will guide me in every situation and tame my tongue. Teach me to be a loving Christian not a prideful one. Father I pray that everyone has a safe and happy weekend. I love You, In Jesus Name, Amen.
1 comment:
Bible Trivia John 4:1-26
Connect the Thoughts:
Jesus in Samaria
A request for a Drink
Five Husbands
ANSWER: I would have to say that the connecting factor of these 3 statements would have to be a:
1. It is a woman of Samaria that Jesus would see at well:
John 4:6a
Presently, when a woman of Samaria came along to draw water.....
2. It is a woman of Samaria that Jesus would request a drink from:
John 4:6b
Jesus said to her, Give Me a drink-
3. It was the woman from Samaria that had five husbands and the one she was with was not her husband:
John 4: 17-18
The woman answered, I have no husband. Jesus said to her, You have spoken truly in saying, I have no husband.
For you have had five husbands, and the man you are now living with is not your husband. In this you have spoken truly.
This story is so rich with msg's that one could go on and on with thoughts from it. I am posting one at this time.
In many places of the Bible you can find where water is used to descrie or point to our salvetion. Likewise this is one of those stories where water plays a big role. A few other examples:
1. The crossing of the Red sea
2. The teaching of Christ to Nicodemus, when he came to Him by night
3. The healing of the paralytic at the sheep's pool
4. The Great Flood
5. The changing of water into wine.
In this case, Christ said to her:
13. "Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:
14. But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."
You could ALMOST say that WATER is a connecting thread but it does NOT touch on the 5 husbands. It is though a major thread holding the story together.
Ecc. 3
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