Why Do People Suffer? GOD Answers - Job 41-42
Insight Into Scripture
Good Morning! I am so glad that you joined us. This next section of scripture is one of my favorites in the Bible.If you remember last week we left off with Elihu and his very long, arrogant speech. But, the entire dynamics of the book changes in chapter 38, GOD enters the picture. The book changes from suffering, heartache, confusion, and pain, to the glory and majesty of GOD.
Chapter 38 GOD enters and helps Job see the big picture of what has been, and what is going on around him. GOD shows Job his majesty.
Chapter 39 continues GOD's speech. Chapter 40 Job acknowledges GOD's majesty, but GOD is not done with Job, He continues on counseling Job until chapter 42 where Job again acknowledges GOD's sovereignty. God then turns His attention to Job's friends, where he expresses HIS anger with them and tells Job to pray for them! Nice turn!
The story has a very happy ending. Job is blessed much more than the first part of his life. GOD blesses his business, his family, and GOD gives him 140 more years to live.
Try and Imagine........
Always try and put yourself into the Bible and it's characters. Today, we have the Bible, so we know creation, Genesis, GOD, Jesus, and GOD's hand in our universe. We know the entire story, Job did not. He had nothing.
Imagine not knowing how the world was created, you understand nature and animals, but you do not know who was responsible. Now imagine how you would feel if the being that made all this showed up in a storm and let you know HE is the one who created all this. I can imagine it would be very humbling.
1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm. He said:
2 "Who is this that darkens my counselwith words without knowledge?
3 Brace yourself like a man;I will question you,and you shall answer me.
4 "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand.
11 Who has a claim against me that I must pay?
Everything under heaven belongs to me. - Job 38:1-5, 41:11 5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it?
Thought For the Day
If you have children, this might sound familiar. Your child wants something from you, you tell them "No" and try and explain the reason why they can not have this "Thing." But, that is not good enough, they ask again, and again, and again, and keep on questioning "Why". Maybe you are not a parent, but as a child you can remember doing this to your parents.
You as a parent become frustrated, and maybe a little short tempered, and finally you answer your child. "No, because I said so" or "No, because I am your dad, and I say NO". I can imagine this is the tone GOD answered Job in. Job, you are sick because I am GOD, and you are not. Since you think you have all this figured out, let me test your knowledge on "Life". It sounds like it was a very humbling experience for Job.
When something bad happens to us, or a bad situation happens that we do not understand or agree with, we demand an answer, we have to understand, and "Because I said NO" does not sit well with us. We are the creation demanding answers from the creator. We answer to HIM, not the reverse.
There are two wonderful points that GOD makes, that I believe we can use when we do not understand:
38:2 - "Who is this that darkens my consul with words without knowledge?"
41:11 - "Who has a claim against me that I must pay"
EVERYTHING under heaven belongs to ME".
The last one I believe is the best, everything is GOD's.
There are going to be bad things that happen to us and our loved ones. Situations are going to happen that make us sick inside and cry. There is going to be pain and suffering in our life time. GOD may show some of HIS plans to us, some HE may not. Our job is to know He is GOD and we are not. He is the Creator, we are the creation. I know this is not easy at times, but this concept will carry you through anything that life dishes out to you.
Thank you, and I hope that you will join me as we start the Psalms. Have a Blessed Day!
1 comment:
Bible Trivia:
What was the two-letter name of Job's homeland?
Job 1:1
The two Uz's:
The place where Job dwelt had its name not from Uz, a descendant of Shem, (Genesis 10:23) but from Uz, a son of Nahor, brother to Abraham, (Genesis 22:21)
name signifies sorrowful, or he that weeps. It is said that he was supposed to have been called Jobab.
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