Thursday, August 2, 2007

Your Prayer Life - Isaiah 10-14

Your Prayer Life - Isaiah 10-14

Listen to Isaiah 10-14

Good Morning! Wow, the weekend is upon us already. Is your summer going as fast as mine?
The last chapters that we have been reading, Ahaz has been the king. Remember king Ahaz? He was the 15th king of Judah, and as far as being a "Good" king..... he was not. You can read about king Ahaz in 2 Chronicles 28:1-25.Did you know that Isaiah means, "Salvation of Jehovah"?

Matthew 6:9-13 ESVPray then like this:"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. 10 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.11 Give us this day our daily bread, 12 and forgive us our debts,as we also have forgiven our debtors.13 And lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil.

Thought for the Day
I thought that I would share with you one area that Jesus has been working on in my life. It is my prayer life. Most of my life, my prayer life was a prayer routine, prayer request line. Prayer was something that I did at the end of the night, as an after thought, usually it went something like this:"Oh yea, I forgot to pray today....... OK...... Ah.......
Dear Jesus,Thank you for today, I am feeling tired, please give me strength. Please watch over Kim, Mom, Dad, and my sister. Please help tomorrow be a better day. I love you.In Jesus name Amen."Does any of that sound familiar to you? Lately, I have been trying to make prayer what it was intended to be; a form of worship, and communication with GOD. Now, when I pray, I always spend a couple of minutes in the beginning to praise GOD, and worship him. Imagine calling your best friend on the phone, when they pick up the line, you just start to talk, talk, talk.... I want this, help me with this, have a good day, bye. If you had conversations like that with your friends on the phone, I do not think you would have too many more phone conversations.

If you are wanting to jump start your prayer life, or you have been praying for years, let's take a look at the way Jesus told us to pray in Matthew 6:9-13.
Our Father in Heaven,

1. hallowed be your name
2. Your kingdom come,
3. your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
4. Give us this day our daily bread
5. and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors
6. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

There is a reason that Jesus told us this and there is a reason that it is in that order.
1. We need to cherish the name of GOD above all things in our life. Pursue the glory of GOD, praise HIM!
2. We pray here that Jesus' saving and purifying will would be done in our lives as well as the earth.
3. We pray that Jesus would give us strength to do His will without hesitation and fear. By doing this our lives as well as the earth's will be changed.
4. We pray that Jesus will provide for our DAILY needs.
5. Pray and ask forgiveness for our sins through Jesus, who made the ultimate sacrifice. Then ask for strength to apply the same forgiveness that GOD shows us, that we can show others.
6. Pray for protection from the evil one and the daily temptations. That we would be amazing witnesses for Him.

I pray that by taking a look at these simple verses, that we may have heard thousands of times, help you jump start or realign your prayer life again. Have a Blessed Weekend!!! - Jim

Bible Trivia
What body fluid was part of the curse that came by Adam and Eve's sin?
Hint: Genesis 3:19

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Reading Schedule
Saturday, August 4th Reading - Isaiah 15-21
Sunday, August 5th Reading - Isaiah 22-26
View August's Reading Schedule
Have a BLESSED Weekend!!

1 comment:

A-Granny-r4 said...

Bible Trivia:
What body fluid was part of the curse that came by Adam and Eve's sin?

ANSWER: sweat

Genesis 3:19
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.


Due to the fall of man in the garden life for man as God had intended was changed forever, well at least until the 2nd cooming is fulfilled.

As a result of THE FALL of man God pronounced an asundry of curses listing a few, the travail of woman in childbirth, length of mans life shortened, mans life would no longer be of ease.

Mans no longer having a life of ease due to his sin is now a DIRECT curse upon HIM but as result of the curse placed upon


which he would toil.

The earth continues to be Mans habitation but having him to TOIL upon it due to this curse he lost any expectations of having happiness in things on earth, due to this one might hope that Man again might look for his happiness and satisfaction only in things above.

As time marches on man livelihood is still by tilling the ground. What before his fall he did with ease and pleasure, is still accomplished after with painful and persevering exertion. For the curse upon the ground that cause the earth to be of hard labour SWEAT UPON THE MAN is a result.


There is a change in the manner of his eating it: In sorrow (Genesis 3:17). and in the sweat of his face he must eat of it. Adam would eat in sorrow all the days of his life, remembering the forbidden fruit he had eaten, and the guilt and shame he had because of it.
