Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Ezekiel 17-19

Where is Your Heart? - Ezekiel 17-19

Good Morning! I really enjoyed the chapters that we read today. Did you happen to catch verse 18:32? I know that there are many that believe GOD is this almighty being that is waiting for you do do something wrong, then punish or destroy you. This verse tells of just the opposite.

Ezekiel 14:2-3, 16:30And the word of the LORD came to me: "Son of man,
these men have taken their idols into their hearts,
and set the stumbling block of their iniquity before their faces.
"How sick is your heart, declares the Lord GOD, because you
did all these things, the deeds of a brazen prostitute

Thought for the Day
Chapter 16 is a neat allegory. I would encourage you to take time to read it. It is a love story of betrayal and unfaithfulness. It is a story that if you were to change the names and make it into a story that anyone could relate in today's world, we would shake our head in sorrow, and curse the unfaithful one. But, we are those unfaithful ones.

I believe that from time to time, we all need a "Heart check?" We need to take time and make sure that our priorities are lining up. Two areas that I always seem to need improvement on are; time and money.

Time is very easy. Make a list of what you spend the most time on and the least amount of time. Now, I am sure that unless you are a monk or nun you are not going to be spending 12 hours a day praying, reading your Bible, or just spending time with GOD. But I would hope that it does appear on your list. If it is on your list, compare that time to your other, leisure, time.

How does it compare to your TV or computer time? I just did one of the time checks and realized that I was not spending enough time in prayer. It is funny how you start out good, and it is a priority, but life seems to get in the way. You really have to fight for your GOD time.

Money is the other "Heart Check" When was the last time you sat down and figured out how much you are tithing? Or maybe you are at the point of looking at..... if you are not tithing. I have come to learn that the actual act of tithing is what is not important, it is the TRUST that GOD is in control. You are depending on HIM and not of the world to get you by day by day.

This has been very hard for me, you see, I like to control my money. I always have, so this is a day by day growth process for me. One thing that I have learned is that GOD works with your daily needs. HE wants you to need HIM day by day. Just think, if GOD put a million dollars in your bank account, do you think that you would need HIM as much as when you need HIM day by day. I know that I would start to become a little comfortable.

One other little voice that has been echoing in my head, is that you can not out give GOD. I am trying to get up enough faith to challenge HIM in this area. Have you ever thought about that, or tried it? It is hard, I know.
I hope that you find time this week for a "Heart Check" we all need occasional tune ups. Have a great day! - Jim

Bible Trivia
What does GOD compare idol worship too?
Hint: Ezekiel 16:32

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Have a Blessed Day!

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