Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Life Lessons From Moses

Insight into Scripture - Deut. 32-34
When they speak of honey in the Bible, most of the time they are referring to syrup from the date palm.The main source of oil in the Bible comes from Olive tress, they were grown in rocky soil and they require minimal amounts of water.

Today we finish up with the book of Deuteronomy and say goodbye to an amazing servant of the Lord; Moses. If we were to reflect back on Deuteronomy there are two key themes that God has given us.We were shown time and time again, God's unconditional love for us.God keeps His promises, even though we are disobedient and sin against Him, He remains faithful.

Scripture Reading
10 And there has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face, 11 none like him for all the signs and the wonders that the LORD sent him to do in the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh and to all his servants and to all his land, 12 and for all the mighty power and all the great deeds of terror that Moses did in the sight of all Israel. - Deuteronomy 34:10-12

Thought for the Day
As I am reading the Bible, I tend to place all the Biblical characters on a pedestal. What they did and accomplished is amazing. But when I read more about them, I see that they were just as human as you and I. So if God can use these Biblical characters, He surely can use me too. Today, I was going to take a look at some life lessons from Moses.

In life God has amazing things planned for our lives. It is rightfully ours. Some of those blessings we will never receive. It is not God that changed His mind, we altered our destinies. God had planned for Moses to enter the promised land, God did not change His mind about Moses entering into the land of milk and honey, Moses did. Moses disobeyed God in Meribath Kadesh in striking the rock for waters. (Numbers 20:1ff)

God wants us to wait upon Him. He wants us to need Him, He wants to be our provider. Do not be quick to act, step back, wait upon the Lord for the right decision. When Moses saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, he looked to the left and then to the right, then he acted and killed the Egyptian. Moses made one mistake, he did not look up and see how God wanted him to handle the situation. Where did this land Moses? In a 40 year desert. (Exodus 2:11ff)

God uses the weak and frail. Have you ever thought, how could God use a person like me? I am not good with people, or maybe you might say "I am too shy and do not like speaking in front of others", or maybe you might say to yourself "I do not know the Bible that well." You are just what God is looking for. No matter your weakness or strengths, God loves people that can be molded and shaped. Just look at Moses when we first met him. Moses spent almost 2 chapters making excuses to God, Moses even finally said "Please send someone else to do it." After all those excuses did you ever think Moses would accomplish what God intended him to do? (Exodus 3, 4) God will use your weakness for strength, never close your heart towards God's plans. If you want to have the most amazing adventure in your life; keep your heart open to whatever God asks.

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