Friday, April 5, 2013

Are You Hot or Cold For Jesus?

Insight Into the Scriptures
Revelation is written by John around 95 AD. John had been banned to the Island of Patmos. Domitian is the emperor, he is not as bad as Nero, but there is still persecution. 

Revelation mixes Old Testament prophecy with apocalyptic style of writing. The first 3 chapters are an introduction and a warning to the seven churches in Asia. Revelation was to reveal who Christ really was and is and a warning to all, it is a book of hope for those who love and follow Him.

If you read verses 1:12-16 it gives a description of God.

From the beginning of the Bible, everything pointed to Christ. Every book from Genesis to Malachi leads to His birth. He came as an innocent child, a lamb, the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He was then crucified, died, and rose again, thus conquering death. satan no longer has power over us. He assented into heaven with the promise to return. Here we have Revelation, the anticipation that Christ will BURST onto the scene, not as a lamb, but a Lion. He will return to rescue those who believe in Him, and judge those who curse and mock Him.
I always looked at revelation as a mysterious book, full of weird visions and beasts. But, now I look at it as my reward, my promise, my assurance.

Revelation 1:7, - NIV
"Look, he is coming with the clouds,and every eye will see him,even those who pierced him;and all the peoples of the earth will mournbecause of him. So shall it be! Amen."
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."

Thought for the Day
John gives warnings to the seven churches of Asia. These warnings are just full of "Life" principles. Notice how Christ presents His words to the seven churches. Most of them He notes their "Good deeds" then points out their faults, but at the end gives them a glimmer of hope and redemption.

In these seven churches, you may see your own church or you may see yourself. This is a final warning before Christ returns. What is Christ speaking to you?

The church of Ephesus did wonderful deeds, but they forgot the two most important principles; love God and love others.

The church in Smyrna was being persecute. Pain and persecution comes from satan. If you are in pain or suffering, Christ knows what is happening in your life, and tell us "Yet you are rich." Your time will be short.

The church in Pergamum had four idolatrous cults to deal with. They have given into sexual immorality. Maybe you are struggling with pornography, impure thoughts, impure sexual desire. Christ is waiting there to give you "Hidden manna" (Spiritual nourishment)

To the church of Thyatira, they were not crossing the line and giving into full blown sin, but they were being poor examples to their brothers and sisters, causing them to fall into sin.

To the church of Sardis, they looked very religious on the outside, but they were full of sin on the inside.

To the church in Philadelphia, they were a church that was in suffering. A great earthquake had caused them to flee, but with all the hardships they stayed true to Christ. To them He promises, I am coming soon!

And last, the church of Laodicea.... everything in the Bible is placed in this place for a reason and purpose. I find it interesting that this principle is last. It is like, this is what He wants you to remember most. What kind of a Follower are you? Hot or cold? Christ says that He would rather have you hot or cold, Followers that are luck warm, He will "Spit you out of my mouth." Are you being dangerous for Christ, or keeping this amazing, life changing information to yourself?

Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus, Thank you for Your promise that you are returning, it gives me hope to keep on fighting the good fight. Lord, there are some principles that you describe in the above that the Holy Spirit is speaking to me that I need your help. Please help me, my strength comes from you alone!

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