Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How To Gain Victory In Christ

Insight Into Scriptures - Judges 20-22
In today's story they refer to "Left handed slingers" (20:16) for battle. This may have been a special group of ambidextrous warriors. Today, we finish with Judges. The last verse of Judges states that "Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit." Thus explaining the violence and death through the book. There was a cry for hope for peace in the land

Good Morning
This picture is the pass that was close to Gibeah, the town that the Isralites camped near. (20:19).

Scripture Reading
18 The Israelites went up to Bethel and inquired of God. They said, "Who of us shall go first to fight against the Benjamites?"The LORD replied, "Judah shall go first."

19 The next morning the Israelites got up and pitched camp near Gibeah. 20 The men of Israel went out to fight the Benjamites and took up battle positions against them at Gibeah. 21 The Benjamites came out of Gibeah and cut down twenty-two thousand Israelites on the battlefield that day. 22 But the men of Israel encouraged one another and again took up their positions where they had stationed themselves the first day.

23 The Israelites went up and wept before the LORD until evening, and they inquired of the LORD. They said, "Shall we go up again to battle against the Benjamites, our brothers?"The LORD answered, "Go up against them."
24 Then the Israelites drew near to Benjamin the second day. 25 This time, when the Benjamites came out from Gibeah to oppose them, they cut down another eighteen thousand Israelites, all of them armed with swords.

26 Then the Israelites, all the people, went up to Bethel, and there they sat weeping before the LORD. They fasted that day until evening and presented burnt offerings and fellowship offerings to the LORD. 27 And the Israelites inquired of the LORD. They asked, "Shall we go up again to battle with Benjamin our brother, or not?"The LORD responded, "Go, for tomorrow I will give them into your hands."

Think n Grow
As I finished this story I was confused. The men of Israel decided to go against the Benjamites, they asked YAHWEH who should go first; YAHWEH responded, then they proceeded and lost. They went through the process again, and lost again. Then on the third time YAHWEH said "Now I am going to hand them over to you." Why did YAHWEH allow them to lose badly 2 times, when HE gave them an answer to the questions they asked?

I went back and read the story a few more times, then two principles became evident. During the entire period of Judges, the Israelites had no king, they did as they wanted. (21:25) They were not living a Holy Life before YAHWEH. Something bad would happen, they would cry out to HIM, HE would save them, then they would go back to the same behavior.

The other principle I saw, they gathered before YAHWEH, but they never asked YAHWEH IF they should attack. The Israelites made up their minds of action, THEN asked YAHWEH. Totally backwards, they should of prayed, fasted, and waited for YAHWEH's decision, then asked how to complete the task. Maybe YAHWEH would of given them victory the first time.

Our Christian life is a 24/7 process. It is not a life where we do as we see fit, then when we have a problem, ask GOD and expect HIM to solve all our problems. What kind of a Christian life are you living? 24/3 or maybe 12/7?

Closing Prayer
Father thank you for the rays of sunshine and warmth. I pray Father that I will always seek You first, let You lead the way, not me. I pray Father that I am strong in trusting You and knowing that Your way is always the best.
I love You, and I pray in Your great Name,

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