A Look At Evil Man:Ahab
Insight Into Scripture: 2 Kings 1-3
Today we start 2 Kings. Kings was written as one book, so second Kings starts right where first Kings left off. God called Elijah for one more prophetic task, then he is taken into heaven by a whirlwind (2:11ff). Elisha continues the work of Elijah as he receives a double portion of his spirit. (2:9-10) Then in chapter 3 we read about the fall of Moab through the prophetic words of Elisha (3:15-18).
Elisha asked for a harpist (3:15). Harps were used to induce a trancelike state to receive a divine message.
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Moab is situated on an isolated hilltop, with a view in all directions. This made Moab one of the strongest fortresses in the Middle East. After seeing a picture of this city I could see how the king could sacrifice his firstborn, it has a "Cold" look to it. These pictures are taken from Bibleplace.com
Scripture Reading - 1 Kings 16:30-33
Think n Grow
As I have said before, I love character studies. It shows me that these great biblical figures were just as human as you and I. Along with studying great biblical figures I believe that we can also learn from not so great..... maybe even evil biblical figures. Ahab was just one of these people.
Ahab was said to be the most evil king of Israel (1 Kings 16:30-33) so I thought it might be worth a look to see what made him so evil. Other than the fact that he promoted idol worship, the one thing that I believe angers God the most.
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Two traits stand out in Ahab:
~ Selfishness that is left uncontrolled will lead to great evil. In the story of Naboth's Vineyard in 1 Kings 21 other than Ahab acting like a total child, his greed and selfishness consumed him. Ahab wanted this vineyard so badly he laid on his bed sullen and refused to eat. I am sure that with him being a king he had other vineyards, but he HAD to have Naboth's.
Our world is FILLED with toys that you may never obtain, how do you handle the desire? Do you find yourself thinking about it so much that it just makes you totally unhappy? Or is your desire something you can control? If you are having trouble with your desires you need to slowly empty the "Evil" desires and replace it with CHRIST!
~ Your choice of a mate in life will have a HUGE effect on your life. Ahab married Jezebel. She was as evil if not more, than Ahab. When Ahab was struggling with his selfishness Jezebel was there to help his evil way. She set up the murder of Naboth, (1 Kings 21:7-16) and from what it sounds like had a big influence in Ahab's evilness.If you are unmarried, dating, and making a choice for your spouse, GOD needs to be apart of your decision. It is a HUGE decision and in today's world I am afraid the odds are against you. You need a Godly spouse by your side.
If you married right now and your relationship is not the best. You need to gather in unity and put GOD first, after this is done everything else falls into place. Sometimes counseling is needed, but it is worth it. There is nothing as unstoppable as a good team!
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Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus
Father thank You for the partner You have put into my life. We are definitely unstoppable with You at the lead. Father I pray deeply for those that do not have that unity and struggle everyday just to be a part of something they are so sad or hurt by. Father I pray that they will let You step in and take over, that is all that can help.
I love You and I pray in Jesus Name, Amen.
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