Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Do Take Time To Rest?

Insight Into the Scriptures - Exodus 20-21
In verse 21:5-6 when a slave had their ear pierced on a doorpost, entrance ways were sacred and legally significant spots.

Today we read the infamous Ten Commandments. It is really nice sometimes to go back to the basics, these were ten simple rules that God expected His people to follow. Chapter 21 was interesting too, when I was reading, the main theme coming back to me was, to take personal responsibility for your actions.

Exodus 20:8-11, 18-20
"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
"Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the LORD your God; in it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servant or your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you.
"For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
All the people perceived the thunder and the lightning flashes and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw it, they trembled and stood at a distance.
Then they said to Moses, "Speak to us yourself and we will listen; but let not God speak to us, or we will die.
"Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid; for God has come in order to test you, and in order that the fear of Him may remain with you, so that you may not sin."

Thought for the Day
As I was reading the chapters for today a verse came to mind. Hebrews 13:8 it states that Christ is the same as yesterday, today and forever. Our God never changes, He is always the same, His promises are always the same, we are the ones who change.As I was reading the ten commandments I read the fourth command to keep the Sabbath holy. I have talked to a lot of people who say that it was the Old Testament and it was different back then, yes, it was a different life back then, but our God was/is the same, He has not changed. I do not believe that God wants us to pick and choose which commands He wants us to follow. "Hmmmm let's see... today I will follow command #8 Do not steal, but I will not follow #6 Do not murder today". My point is this, I know that the Sabbath was actually a Saturday back then, but I hope you are taking one day in the week to be with God and your family, relax, rest in the Lord, and get your spirit refueled.

In closing
I thought it very interesting that Moses told the afraid Israelites to fear God and it will keep you from sinning. The word fear in that context means: To be afraid, be frightened, to revere, respect. We need to go back to the basics where we "Feared" God. Never forget that we have a relationship with this AMAZING - POWERFUL being, He could sneeze (If He does sneeze) and throw the universe into chaos if He chose. What an amazing God we serve!

Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus,
You are amazing and I stand in awe of Your love and power. I pray that You will help me to remember the basics and follow through. Help me to be the shining light for You and help me to make You proud, so that when the day comes that I am at your feet, You will say "well done my child, well done!" I love You!
In Your Name I pray,

Bible Trivia
How many days had Jesus fasted in the desert when satan tempted Him to turn stones into bread?

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