Monday, September 9, 2013

Does God Hate Me?

Does God Hate Me?
Have you ever asked yourself this? I mean be honest; God knows every thought that is going on in your head so you are not hiding anything from Him. Plus, I know that God despises cold religion and yearns for true relationship. So, have you ever thought or wondered if God really hates me?

I am there right now. I know all the religious answers, but I yearn to feel Gods love. I need to know that God is active in my life, I just need Him to throw me a bone to know He cares and understands what sadness and sorrow that I am feeling right now.

I know that you all have your own stories, and I would love for you to share them below so I know I am not the only one on the planet that is feeling like this. For me it started about 8 years ago.  I was diagnosed with an incurable disease that I still struggle with today. My son ran away from home at the age of 16, then after two years of pure hell, He killed himself. My wife and I pleaded to God to move us away from this town (We live in a small town where everything reminds us of him) but as of today God has been silent. There have been many more events in this time period that have been difficult, but I think you grasp the depth of my yearning.

What Is Your Story?
So what is your story? Is it like mine? Where are you? I can tell you this…. If you are feeling like this you are not alone. There have been many great biblical figures that have felt the same way that you are feeling. I have waited for 8 years..… Moses was in the desert for 40 years, yup God had him in a holding pattern for 40 years! David had to wait something like 15 years from the time he was first anointed by Samuel to the time he became king over Judah. It was another seven years before David was anointed king over all Israel. This means David waited over 20 years of his life to be made king. So if you feel like God has left the building, you are in good company.

God does not hate you or I. Gods' ways and thoughts are way above any of us. Just because I am not getting my way, does not mean that God hates me. Yes, I may not be in the ideal situation, but I know that God does love and can use me. I become focused on the negative in life. satan loves the negative and your aloneness, he sneaks in there and starts to put these little words in your head telling you that God does not love you. Satan works like that, when you are at your weakest or discouraged he attacks. Nice huh?

Open The Black Book!
Here are two things that I would you suggest if you are feeling like this. First go to your Bible, yes dust off the black book and start to read God promises to you. Read them again and again and again. He LOVES you and will never leave you. Second, start to change your focus from the inward on yourself to outward. See what God is doing around you. Get involved with others. Connect with other Christian friends for support (remember that satan like you alone, you are an easier target). If you start to do these things soon you will feel closer to God. Remember that verse, Draw near to God and God will draw near to you? (James 4:8)

I hope these words of encouragement helped. I know that it helped me writing them down. God LOVES you, hang in there, you are going to a tough time right now, and God will reward you for being so faithful in your desert. Join our facebook page. There are a bunch of good Christian people that you can meet and chate with, plus I am there with you ;)

GOD LOVES YOU, I promise and so does He. Here are a couple of verses from God to you.

"But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, evenwhen we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved." Eph. 2:4:5
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16
 "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8:37-39

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