Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Have You Ever Doubted Jesus?

Have You Ever Doubted Jesus?

Yesterday, someone made a post about Doubting Thomas, and I meditated on it all last night, and here are a couple of thoughts.

First, I think there is a little "Thomas" in us all. I know many people who at one time or another demanded Jesus to give us proof that He exsists. You know how it goes...... Jesus, I know you love me, and I know you care, so why are you not doing this for me???? If you do not, You must be mean and uncaring. To me that is pretty much cornering Jesus telling Him to do this for you.

Second, if you remember Thomas was willing to die for Jesus, Jesus wanted to go into a country where passing could mean their lives (John 11:15-17) Thomas was very bold and spoke up. But, is that like all of us. When Jesus is close to our side, we are STRONG. But, when Jesus is quite, we freak out, maybe question where He is.

Third, when reading the Bible, always put yourself into the time and person first, then make a bridge. We have the Bible, and know the end of the story, they did not, they were living moment by moment.

Example; for centuries if you were a believing Jew, you knew that the prophets foretold of a coming Messiah. One to redeem them, crush the opposing Roman Empire. Herod told them he was god, but they knew/believed different.

Then, one day this Rabbi (An amazing teacher; maybe like Billy Graham of our time) came to you. You, a very common person, and this Rabbi told you He believed in YOU, and He want YOU to follow him. Just that fact that a Rabbi asked you (not evening knowing it was THE MESSIAH) was an honor.

Thomas, left and became a discicple of this Rabbi. (Matt. 10:2-4) During these amazing 3 years of being with this Rabbi, he came to believe...... he KNEW this was the Messiah! People are healed, rasied from the dead, He speaks like no-one he has ever heard. Finally, towards the end of the 3 years, He (Jesus) make His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey (Stand for royality) Thomas, must have thought....... THIS IS IT..... finally after centuries, I am going to witness the prophecy......... THE MESSIAH HAS COME TO REDEEM US!

Sadly, to see his Messiah taken, and killed the most brutal death.... I think if I were any of the disciples, I would be confused, hurt, scared, I just wasted 3 years of my life, where/what do I do now? So, for Thomas to want to see the scars......... would not you, maybe?

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Friday, April 25, 2014

The Most Inspirational Video Ever

The Most Inspirational Video Ever

I do not know about you, but nothing touches my heart more than watching military families that are reunited after a long period of time. Here is a collection of short videos that I found on Youtube. If this touches your heart please share so others know what sacrifice these families make so we can have the freedom we have. Thank You!

Do Not Judge Each Other

Do Not Judge Each Other

I am writing you again from a hospital chair, receiving my third infusion.As we were travelling here we came across a man begging for money at one of thestoplights. My first thought is that man needs to get a job and work. But then I remembered the words of Jesus and the sheep and goats in Matthew 25. Jesus tells us "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me".

Our job is not to judge, the Bible says that repeatedly. Our job is respond to the
words of GOD without judgement. It is hard to take our human upbringing and opinions out of this equation. But, the more we can do this, the more pure our
religion/relationship becomes. From One Sheep to Another, Be Blessed!

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Has God Spoken To You Lately?

Has God Spoken To You Lately?

I am sure that you have heard someone say "It is good to hear your voice". Or maybe you have experienced that feeling yourself? You know the feeling, maybe it has been a long time since you have spoken to a best friend or family member, and just hearing their voice brings about feelings of comfort and remembrance of good times.

Life is noisy. It is in two ways, first, you have the non-stop cell phones, TVs, stereos, iPods, CD players, car radios, airplanes, car engines, lawnmowers.... it just seems like you never get away from the volume of life.

Second, you have the "Noise" of life. You get up in the morning, fight traffic, work a full day with all the pressures that a job carries, fight traffic on the way home. When you get home you try and live up to the expectations a being a Godly parent. Maybe you might find sometime to watch a little TV, then off to bed to start the cycle over again.

Or maybe you have several little ones at home that you take care of. The day starts early in the morning, trying to do the chores of life while raising children, dinner, then maybe find time to crash on the couch at night. Maybe GOD has called you to be a student right now, and trying to balance your studies, a job, and life seems to fill your entire day and night. Wherever you are in life right now, praying and reading your Bible seems like a luxury.

Kim and I were feeling the "Noise" of life. It seems like it started when my disease hit. Our lives changed dramatically. We were dealing with trying to combat the disease, raise a very free-willed child, Kim had to go back to work..... life was "Noisy". Then as my disease stabled as she started her own business which lead to a whole new kind of "Noise".

I can remember feeling very distant from Jesus, I know it is never Jesus that leaves us, we pull away from Him. So, I knew that it was something that I was doing. I remember going in my room alone and praying every night trying to hear Him speak into my life. I remember pleading with Him just to give me some direction in my life, but I never heard Him speak. Yes, I was reading my Bible, but you know what I am talking about, that small little voice.

Then it dawned on me, my life had too much "Noise". GOD wanted to speak to me, but I had so much "Noise" in my life I could not hear. I started to look in my Bible to refresh my memory of how GOD spoke.

GOD frequently spoke in the silence, one on one. GOD appeared to Abraham near the trees of Mamre while he was sitting in the heat of the day. (Gen. 18:1)

GOD spoke to Moses at the Mountain of Horeb. (Exodus 3)

Moses was given the Ten Commandments alone on Mount Sinai (Exodus 19)

Moses withdrew to his Tent of Meetings where he met with GOD one on one.
GOD spoke to Samuel while we was lying down in the Temple. (1 Samuel 3)

Then there is one of my favorite stories where GOD spoke to Elijah on top of a
mountain, in a gentle whisper, after a lot of "Noise" (Powerful wind, earthquake, and fire) (1 Kings 19:11-18)

If you jump to the New Testament, Jesus withdrew to solitary places to speak to
His FATHER many times. You can go cover to cover of the Bible and find many examples of where GOD spoke one on one, alone.

So, Kim and I went to Oregon last weekend to get away from the "Noise", and guess what? I heard GOD speak. I was tired out from the walking we had done during the day, so Kim went for a walk down the beach, and I hung out alone just taking in the view at Haystack Rock. Finally, I heard that small voice speaking to me. You know the neat thing, now that I have heard that Voice again, I can identify it more easily. Since last weekend, GOD has spoken to me again.

I do not know how long it has been since you have heard that Voice. Maybe you are new to all this and you have never heard HIS voice. GOD is always by you, waiting to speak into your life, but sometimes we need to slow down, turn off the "Noise" so that we can hear HIS voice. I am not saying that you need to go on vacation to hear HIM. Maybe a visit to the local park, maybe a hike on that mountain trail, maybe an afternoon next to that river? I think that main thing is to be alone with your Creator, turn off the "Noise" and listen. Don't you find it interesting how GOD and nature connect? 

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Monday, April 21, 2014

Do You Wait For God?

Do You Wait For God?

The first passage is one of my favorite passages of scripture. Moses saw an injustice being done, so he looked to the left then he looked to the right, then he acted. Moses made one mistake, he did not look up. He made sure that no human eyes were upon him, but he forgot that the eyes of the Lord are always upon him. Maybe if Moses had looked up and asked the Lord what he should have done, maybe he could of saved himself forty years in the desert.

How many times have you acted like Moses did? I know that I have. I reacted to situations without waiting upon the Lord. It seems like those times when I acted on what I thought was best, has never really turned out the way I would have liked it too. But, there has been times where I have been patient and waited for Christ to respond, the times that I have done that, things just flow. The next time that you are faced with a decision, first off remember that the eyes of the Lord are always upon you. Live your life knowing you always have an audience of One. And if your decision is a tough one, learn to wait for the Lord, look up, pray, and wait for His response. That sometimes is hard, He does not always get back to you right away.

Exodus 2:11-12 
"One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. Glancing this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand."

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Friday, April 18, 2014

How Is Your Prayer Life?

How Is Your Prayer Life?

God tells us in His Word to pray without ceasing. What does that mean to you?How is your prayer life? Are you satisfied or maybe it is time to make some changes in your prayer life with God?

Some time ago God laid a verse on my heart. I meditated on it for some time and the Holy Spirit told me that my prayer life left something to be desired. I was only praying when I needed something or when I was in trouble. After much thought these are some of the changes that I made in my prayer life.

To me prayer is like a phone call. If you only call someone when you need something soon the person you were calling would get tired of your phone calls (Thank God we have such an amazing and patient God). A good phone call is when you talk and listen. A good phone call is when you talk about everyday life. I believe that God loves to hear about your problems, but He also loves to just chat.

My other problem was that I view prayer to be a time alone in a very quiet place. I believe that you need this time, but it does not satisfy "without ceasing." So how do you solve this? I started talking to God about EVERTHING. When I was at work I would talk to God about how I should build this end cap (I worked at Family Christian Stores). When I was driving home and some nice guy would cut me off, I would tell God how mad that made me. When I was at home watching TV I would ask God if He thought it was funny. I started to include God in everything I did. It was very simple and really took no effort at all, but I cannot tell you the peace that I started to feel and how much it improved my relationship with God.

So again, how is your prayer life? Are your "phone calls" one sided? I hope my suggestions can help draw you closer to our very cool GOD!

If you are interested in reading a great book on this subject check The Practice of the Presence of God out by Brother Lawrence. I read it and it changed my prayer life.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Your Life Is A Sandwich

Your Life Is A Sandwich

Right now Subway has $5.00 footlong Subway sandwiches. I do not know about you, but there is nothing like a Subway sandwich. You know the kind I am talking about,one that has the meats and all the fixins piled on. YUMMY!

Picture in your mind that sandwich, just loaded with all the meat and fixins. Now, try to imagine the same sandwich with just one measly slice of meat, with maybe a little lettuce. If you were to look at that sandwich all you would see where the two peices of bread. I can imagine that it would taste very plain and bland. I donot know about you, but the first sandwich sounds much better.

Our Christian lives are the same way. Let me explain. There are three words that for me were hard to understand, but the analogy of the sandwich helped me to makesense of it. Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification. In this devotional I want to take a look at the meat; your sanctification. But, to understand the sandwichyou need to know what the other two words mean.

Justification is when you became a Christian, it is an instant act where GOD viewsour sins as being forgiven and Jesus righteousness belongs to us, in other words,because of what Jesus did on the cross, GOD declares us righteous in His sight.Glorification is the final step of the redemption process. When Christ returns, raises the bodies of all the believers that have died and reunites them with theirsouls, and changes all the bodies of the believers that are still alive. We all will have perfect, glorified bodies like Christ.

These are big words, but we should all understand what they mean, because they havea huge effect on us. The justification and glorification make up the bread of oursandwich. Sanctification makes up the meat, the fixins, the good stuff. The firsttwo are already done, if you are a believer in Jesus and accepted Him as you savior,there is nothing you can to do to improve on them, they are yours..... but anctificationis different.

Sanctification is the daily process that frees us from sin and makes us more likeChrist in our daily life. It is HARD word. Let me give you an example of what happened in my life.

I have been praying to GOD to show me the areas of my life that I need to improve. The Holy Spirit laid something on my heart. I always strive to be a good spiritualleader of our house. I try and raise our son that would please GOD. Our son has become very busy with sports, we sometimes eat dinner at different times as he comeshome late. Kim and I would eat earlier, and Tyler would eat later..... yes, in front of the TV. Soon we found all of ourselves in front of the TV eating dinner and not talking.

The Holy Spirit laid on my heart to have dinner around the table as a family again, and for me to talk about Jesus, even have a devotional afterwards. Here is the hardwork. It is much easier to eat in front of the TV. I do not have to put forth any effort, do not have to talk, just eat. But, I knew that it came from Jesus, so itwas going to happen. The night that I said to the family lets eat at the table, my son looked at me like I had a third eye. It was easier for him to watch TV andnot engage us either. Plus, right before our first night that we would gathered together at the table, satan was throwing everything he could at me. My flesh did not want too. I can identify with Jesus when he told Peter, the spirit is willing,but the flesh is weak.

If you are a believer, sanctification should be a daily process. You might be asking, how do I start this process? It is a good question. The best thing you can do is to pray and ask GOD to show you the areas that He would like to see you work on.If you are sincere, the Holy Spirit will convict you. But, her lies the hard work,Jesus does not wave a magic wand and make you better in that area. He is going togive you an opportunity to improve in that area. This is what I mean by hard work.Be ready for resistance from enemy, he does not want to see you improve or becomemore Christ like. Ask Jesus for strength.

I can tell you that as you succeed, you will be blessed. Even though that first family dinner was rough, our son has been more open with us. In fact he even commentedthat he enjoyed talking with us about the Bible. I hope that the "Sandwich" analogy helped make more sense of those big words. I know it did for me.

So, what does your sandwich look like? Is it a wimpy looking sandwich with littlemeat? Or is it a yummy sandwich bursting with meat and all the fixins? This is really making me hungry. :) 

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Gods Love Story To You

Gods Love Story To You

OK.... I have to admit it. I do love a good love story. I think that my favorite film is Sleepless in Seattle. I bet if you asked most guys, deep down inside they
are suckers for a good love story.

Some of the best love stories that I have seen are one party pursuing the other
party. They fall in love with that person and they do everything in their power to make them feel special and feel loved.

You and I are involved in one of the greatest love stories that I know. GOD has
been pursuing us from the beginning of time and still is today. The verse above,
I would guess does not make sense, but read on and I will explain how amazing 
that verse is.

So, Abram has all these gods, but one calls to him, and promises him that HE will make him into a great nation. Out of all these gods, what made this one so special? Maybe the promise of children, as Abram did not have any children yet? But Abram listened to this GOD and followed HIM. Right from the start GOD knew what Abram wanted and needed. Abram, when he started his journey wanted to make it to Canaan, but never did. Abram settled in Haran instead (Genesis 11:31). GOD blessed Abram and completed his journey, but at the time, Abram did not know where GOD was taking him. Abram had faith in GOD.

There was a time when Abram became sidetracked due to a very severe famine. (12:10) I am sure you can identify with Abram, I am sure you have seen tough times, times when money was tight, times when GOD seemed to abandon you. Well, GOD knew that Abram had gotten off track from where HE wanted him, so GOD created a situation where Abram had to move on into HIS blessing. (12:20)

GOD continued blessing Abram. Abram had become very wealthy (13:2, 13:6) But, I believe there was one thing that made Abram sad, he and Sarai still did not have any children, and he and Sarai where not getting any younger. But GOD kept on promising Abram that he would be a great nation. There was no way Abram could be a nation without any children.

Here is where the story gets good. Abram had a vision from GOD. GOD told Abram that HE was his great reward. Abram questioned GOD as he was already very rich, and what he wanted was a son, and money could not buy a true child. So, really GOD, how can you help me? GOD also went as far as to tell Abram that the land he saw, was his. But Abram knew he had no birthright to this land so legally he could not own it. Abram asked GOD, how do I know what you are telling me is the truth. You and I really know what Abram was asking, we do it all the time. GOD give me a SIGN! How many times have you and I asked that?

Well, this amazing GOD did just that. He made a covenant with Abram, and not just a covenant, it was an amazing covenant. Back in ancient times to make a covenant, one would cleave animals in half and walk in between the cleaved animals. Strange I know, but when both parties would walk between the animals this was a sign of covenance. Read what GOD did for Abram, GOD manifested himself as a smoking fire pot and flaming torch and passed through the cleaved animals. Now you might besaying, OK big deal right.

Well, two things to note. As Abram was is a dreadful darkness (15:12) GOD passed through the animals alone. GOD was taking on ALL of the responsibility of the covenant himself. Plus, GOD was promising these things on HIMSELF. HE was swearing these things on HIMSELF. You can't promise or swear on anything higher, GOD is supreme. GOD loved Abram (You and I) that much!

The same GOD that pursued Abram is the same GOD that is pursuing you. HE LOVES you, and wants to be your only GOD. The really neat thing is that we have an entire Book of covenants from GOD. If GOD said HE will never leave you, HE WON'T. If HE said that HE will supply your needs, HE WILL. If HE said HE will take care of you, HE WILL.

But, here is our problem. We see GOD come through for us in a bad situation, and we are are happy and praising GOD. But then when times are tough again, we WANT, maybe even demand, another sign. You know we break promises to other people, we may even break promises to GOD. But GOD has never broken a promise to us. HE has proven HIMSELF over and over again. It is one thing to believe in GOD, but another to Believe GOD.

When you are at one of lives crossroads again, remember this verse (15:17) and what GOD promised you. Know that GOD will come through, wait upon HIM. Abram and Sarai had the promise of a child from GOD, 10 years went by and no child. Abram and Sarai decided to "Help" GOD out. They had a son, not the child of promise, Ishmael. Issiac was the true child of promise. Because of this one mistake, we have all the problems in the middle east. Remember, GOD will come through, maybe not on your timetable though.

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Are You A Peace?

Are You At Peace?

In your lives there are three kinds of relationships that you will have. We have an internal relationship with ourselves, we have an external relationship with others, then finally and most important we have an eternal relationship with God.

All three of these relationships need to be in balance with each other. If you are not right with yourself or do not feel good about yourself inside (Internal). It will effect your relationships with others around you (External). One example of this just happened to me. We were at a small group meeting, I felt very strongly about a subject that we were talking about, and I may have become over zealous in expressing my opinions. When I came home, I was not right inside, so until I felt right inside, it effected the relationship with the others in our small group.

The most important relationship is your eternal relationship with GOD. This aspect will affect all your other relationships. If you are not right with GOD, you are not right internally and externally.

A good example of this is Omesimus. Omesimus was not at peace internally. He stole money from his master, then he ran as far away as he could go. Internally he must have been a mess. Then he found Paul, and Paul helped him find Christ. Once Omesimus made his eternal relationship right, he felt at peace with himself, and then made things right with his other relationship to Philemon, his wife, and I would guess the home church.

If you find that you are not at peace with yourself and others around you, may you make peace with your eternal relationship with GOD. May you know that once that relationship is secure, all others will fall into place.

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. 

Philemon 1-3
Paul, a prisoner for Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother,To Philemon our beloved fellow worker and Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier, and the church in your house:Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

The story is pretty simple. Philemon owned Omesimus who was a slave that scholars believed stole money from Philemon (v18). Omesimus then wanted to get as far away from Philemon as he could, so he ran away to Rome, where he met up with Paul in prison.

From there Omesimus became very useful to Paul, as well as a new believer in Christ. But Paul legally could not keep Omesimus. So Paul wrote a letter to Philemon asking him to take Omesimus back, not as a slave anymore, but as a brother in Christ. This was a tense moment as Philemon has every right to have Omesimus executed for what he has done.

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Friday, April 4, 2014

Cutest Commerical Ever

The Cutest Commerical Ever

This hand down is the cutest commercial I have ever seen. It is a Evian commercial that brings our the child in all of us. You must see the dancing babies.

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Are You Stuck In Your Sufferings?

Are You Stuck In Your Sufferings

All through the Gospels we read of stories of extreme faith. These people were willing to risk their well being just to be healed. Or we read where Jesus could sense a person's genuine faith in Him.

Then in Mark 6 we see an example of the extreme opposite. The people in Jesus' hometown heard the same message and the same miracles that others have heard, but instead of accepting it, they tried to humanize it. Instead of accepting the divine in Jesus they accepted the human side of Him. Their hearts were hardened, and as you read the end of the story; they missed out on a lot of Jesus miracles. The sick remained sick, the suffering kept on suffering. In fact the Bible even goes as far as to say "Jesus was AMAZED at their lack of faith."

I know that the same is true today. There are some of us that can't accept the divinity of Jesus. Yes, we call ourselves Christians, we are good people, but Jesus was just a good man or a good prophet. I would guess that Jesus is not very active in those people's lives.

Then there are some of us, that do believe the divinity of Jesus. But, we still lack the faith, or maybe a better word is that we do not stretch our faith to see Jesus do miracles in our lives. One example; a person is tight or struggling with money. Because of this reason they do not give Jesus a percent of what is His in the first place (They do not tithe), ie. they lack the faith to trust Jesus that He will provide for them. So as it says in Mark 6, Jesus is not active in their lives, they stay stuck in their sufferings.

If you feel that Jesus is not active in your life, take a look at Mark 6 again. Is Jesus speaking about you? I can tell you honestly, faith is not easy, it is hard. But I can also tell you, that every time Kim and I have stepped out in faith, Jesus has met us there. We have seen things that humanly speaking should not have happened.

Mark 6:2-6 
And on the Sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished, saying, "Where did this man get these things? What is the wisdom given to him? How are such mighty works done by his hands? Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Josesph and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?" And they took offense at him. And Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household." And he could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them. And he marveled because of their unbelief.

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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Have You Been Crying Out To God For Something?

Have You Been Crying Out To God For Something?

God Is Faithful To You Needs! Hang In There!

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Lord I Bring You My Burdens

Lord I Bring You My Burderns

Lord, I Bring You
My Burdens and
You Know My Situation.
You Know I Can;t Make It 
Without You.
Comfort My Heart,
Give Me Strength 
& Help Me Carry On.

How To Pray To Jesus

How To Pray To Jesus

I would guess that Jesus was praying all the time to His FATHER. The Bible makes references when Jesus prayed, but this prayer is the most well known.

I thought we would take a look at this prayer in this devotional and maybe we can apply some traits of Jesus' into our prayer life.

When Jesus was sorrowful and troubled he went to His FATHER in prayer.
This for most of us, I would imagine, would be a given. But, notice how Jesus went into solitude, fell face down and prayed. When you have something troubling you, you need somewhere alone with Jesus. There is nothing like going alone with Jesus in silent prayer.

Related Article: How Do I Pray

I do not know about you, but I have had people tell me that you do not need to repeat yourself when you are praying. They have told me that if I repeat myself, it is like I am not trusting Jesus to help me or answer my prayers. I did not know how to feel about this, until I read this passage. Jesus prayed for the same thing three times (See verse 26:44)

The last thing that I found interesting, is the openness and honesty of Jesus. Yes, I know that Jesus was open and honest all the time, but in His Prayer to GOD he shows His anxiety, and apprehension. Jesus knew what was going to happen, He knew all the pain that He was going to have to endure, and He expressed it to His FATHER.This is key to your prayer life. Pour out every fear, apprehension, and anxiety to Jesus, lay it at His feet. Leave it there, and walk away knowing whatever the outcome, Jesus knows the best for you and your life.

Matthew 26:38-44 
"Then he said to them, "My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with me."And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." And he came to the disciples and found them sleeping. And he said to Peter, "So, could you not watch with me one hour?Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Again, for the second time, he went away and prayed, "My Father, if this cannot pass unless I drink it, your will be done."And again he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy. So, leaving them again, he went away and prayed for the third time, saying the same words again."

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Story Of Amazing Transformation

Story of Amazing Transformation

What this amazing story of one mans transformation. Arthur was told he would never walk again...... 

Never Underestimate What You Can Accomplish When You Believe In Yourself.

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My Wish For You

My Wish For You

My Wish For You
May God Grant You Always..
A Sunbeam To Warm You
A Moonbeam To Charm You
A Nagle To Protect You
Laughter To Cheer You
Faithful Friends Around You
And Whenever You Pray
That Heaven Hears You.

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The Rapture Is 4/14/14

The Rapture is 4/14/2014

Millions Are Missing Around The World
Well, it could happen.... Stop and think for a minute, if you knew that the rapture was going to happen tomorrow; you had one more day left on this earth. How differently would you live that day?

Maybe you would try and ask forgiveness from the ones that you have hurt, you know, make sure your slate is clean before you face Jesus.Maybe you would spend that day with your family.Maybe you would call that unsaved friend that you have been meaning to witness too, and try to get them saved.I am sure that each of you would have your own priorities that you would want to take care of. I know for me, I would call in sick to work that day. :) Then ask forgiveness for lying.

We all get so wrapped up in our own worlds, and our problems and troubles, that it is hard to imagine that the rapture really could happen tomorrow. Seriously, it could happen tomorrow. If it did happen, is your heart in the right place to see Jesus?

I know it is hard, but we need to live our life like the rapture is going to happen the next day. Now, I am not saying to call in sick to work, or spend all your money. But, I believe that we need to prioritize our life, make your family more important than your work. Be quick to forgive. Don't be afraid to witness to that friend of yours. Start to read your Bible a little each day. I am sure that the Holy Spirit is laying things on your heart that He would like to see you do.

Oh, By the way..... if the rapture does happen tomorrow..... I am so excited to meet all of you. Let's meet at the feet of Jesus...... Ahhhhhhh :)

Chapter 24 is known as "The Olivet Discourse" Part 1. Next to Revelation this passage has more information on end times. Put yourself in the disciple's shoes. imagine Jesus telling them this, what would be your reaction? I would guess that the disciples thought that Jesus would return in their time. They; like us, might have thought, yes there are wars, famine, and earthquakes. Jesus will came back very soon after He leaves.

Matthew 24:4-8, 36, 42-44 
"And Jesus answered them, "See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains."

"But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only."

"Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into. Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect."

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Waitress Becomes The Victim Of A Life Changing Prank

Waitress Becomes The Victim Of A Life Changing Prank

Meet Chelsea Roff. An average waitress who raised her sister alone from a very young age, suffered from an eating disorder and runs a non profit yoga clinic to help people suffering from the former. Her friends and colleagues step in to trap her in this amazing April fools prank.

About:This video is titled "The Waitress Becomes The Victim Of A Life Changing Prank" I found it while reading Sharedots.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Prayer For Healing

A Prayer For Healing

Healing Prayer
Heavenly Father, we pray that You will lay Your healing hands upon all those who are sick. We beg You to have a compassion on all those who are suffering so that they may be delivered from their pitful circumstances. 
In Jesus, we pray.

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